Your Favorite President: They Are All In On It
Posted on October 1, 2022
Bitter Truths, that’s what the RINO’s don’t like, but Your Favorite President is committed to rooting them out and shoving them down the Throats of the Deep State Criminals and Liars who spend most of their time scamming with the Fake Queen, the Red Queen, who is supposedly the Dead Queen, but is she really dead? And if she really is, why do you think Your Favorite President is not in London or Scotland and why is Hunter’s Father all the way in the Back of the Room Cooking up who knows what with a known Sex Trafficker and Pervert who is involved with the criminal Attorney General of N.Y. State Letitia “Jesse” James who everyone knows is into the stealing whatever isn’t Glued down and has been for as long as she’s been putting her Pervert Lying hand in your pocket! WAKE UP!! If this is allowed to continue then the most criminal conspiracy in the History of Our Great Nation will succeed and that will be Very Bad!! (Sept. 22, 2022)