“Where are you FBI?”

“Where are you FBI?”

Press conference held by Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell, and other lawyers for the president and the Trump Campaign, RNC HQ, Washington, DC, Nov. 19, 2020

SYDNEY POWELL: Thank you Rudy. What we are really dealing with here and uncovering more by the day is the massive influence of communist money through Venezuela, Cuba, and likely China in the interference with our elections here in the United States. The Dominion voting systems, the Smartmatic technology software and the software that goes in other computerized voting systems here, in, as well, not just Dominion, were created in Venezuela at the direction of Hugo Chavez to make sure he never lost an election after one constitutional referendum came out the way he did not want it to come out. We have one very strong witness who has explained how it all works. His affidavit is attached to the pleadings of Lin Wood in the lawsuit he filed in Georgia. It is a stunning, detailed affidavit because he was with Hugo Chavez while, he was being briefed on how it worked, he was with Hugo Chavez when he saw it operate to make sure the election came out his way. …

Now the software itself was created with so many variables and so many back doors that can be hooked up to the internet or a thumbdrive stuck in it, or whatever, but one of its most characteristic features is its ability to flip votes. It can set and run an algorithm that probably ran all over the country to take a certain percentage of votes from President Trump and flip them to President Biden which we might never have uncovered had the votes for President Trump not been so overwhelming in so many of these states that it broke the algorithm that had been plugged into the system and that’s what caused them to have to shut down in the states they shut down in….

Notably the Dominion executives are nowhere to be found now. They are moving their offices overnight to different places. Their office in Toronto was shared with one of the Soros entities, one of the leaders of the Dominion Project overall is Lord Malloch-Brown, Mr. Soros’ number two person in the U.K., and part of his organization. There are ties of the Dominion leadership to the Clinton Foundation and to other known politicians in this country….

One of the Smartmatic patent holders, Eric Coomer I believe his name is, is on the web as being recorded in a conversation with ANTIFA members saying that he had the election rigged for Mr. Biden, nothing to worry about here and they were going to f Trump. His social media is filled with hatred for the president and for the United States of America as a whole as are the social media accounts of many other Smartmatic people….

REPORTER: Where is our FBI? And have they expressed any interest whatsoever, in looking into allegations of voter fraud and election fraud that you have pointed out in these six states?

GIULIANI: Come on, you have to have a little humor.

POWELL: We have witnesses who have actually reported-

GIULIANI: Where are you FBI?

POWELL: … and nothing’s happened as a result of it.

GIULIANI: I don’t know where the FBI has been for the last three years. I have no idea where the FBI has been for the last four years. Explain to me how the FBI concealed a memo in the hand of Brennan to Obama saying that Hillary basically made up the Russia collusion plot. They would held that for four years and cost our country $40 million and two impeachment. One attempted one actual and then an acquittal proceeding. I don’t know where they’ve been. I don’t know where they were on the hard drive. They got it, eight, 10 months ago. There are clear crimes revealed on it. Didn’t do anything with that. I don’t know where they are now. Our country has had its ballots counted, calculated, and manipulated in a foreign country with a company controlled by friends of an enemy of the United States. What do we have to do to get the FBI to wake up? Maybe we need a new agency to protect us. I have no idea.

POWELL: If I may speak for just a minute. In terms of the level of corruption we are looking at here, we have no idea how many Republican or Democratic candidates in any state across the country paid to have the system rigged to work for them. These people didn’t do this just to take control. They make one heck of a lot of money off of it. Think about the global interests behind your own news organizations. Think about the pressure being brought to bear from the social media companies to shut down free speech on any challenge to the election. This is a massive, well-funded, coordinated effort to deprive we, the people of the United States of our most fundamental right under the constitution to preserve this Republic that we all cherish. It is of the greatest concern. It is the 1775 of our generation and beyond….

And it affects votes around the country, around the world, and all kinds of massive interests of globalist dictators, corporations, you name it. Everybody’s against us except President Trump. And we, the people of the United States.

President Trump won by a landslide. … We are going to take this country back.