“These people are sick”

“These people are sick”


“These people are sick”

The president, live on stage, one night only, the rolling Make America Great Again Again tour, Duluth, Minnestota, September 30, 2020 (excerpts):

Hello, everybody. Hello, Duluth. Hello, Duluth. Oh, thank you. Thirty-four days from now, we’re going to win Minnesota. We’re going to go and win four more beautiful years in the White House and do more than anybody’s ever done before for the White House. We’re looking to set records. I really enjoyed last night’s debate with sleepy Joe. I brought those hats out here because Minnesota’s a little on the windy side and, like a genius, I sent them all out, now I’m getting blown to pieces and that’s fine. That’s OK. I love it. I’d love you to have whatever we have, we have it together, that I can tell you. The verdict is in and they say that we — we all of us, won big last night. And I don’t know, did you hear about this? In the history of cable television, had the highest ratings of any show in the history of cable television and it had the second-highest ratings of overall television in the history of television. Does anybody know what was first, like M*A*S*H or something, I guess, M*A*S*H? No, they had the final episode of M*A*S*H and I don’t know what was first, does everybody know? But we were second in the history of all of television. But the biggest ratings in the history of cable television, it’s an honor. Last night I did what the corrupt media has refused to do. I held Joe Biden accountable for his 47 years of lies, 47 years of betrayal, and 47 years of failure. I held Joe accountable for shipping your jobs and dreams abroad and for bowing to the violent mob at home. Can you imagine these people the way they take over these Democrats? It is — I don’t even believe it. The whole nation saw the truth. …

We’ve got to win, we’ve got to win. Early voting has already begun, don’t wait. Please, go out and vote. Did you see in New York today? A hundred thousand fraudulent ballots, they sent out a hundred thousand ballots, wrong names, wrong addresses, wrong envelopes. Other than that, they did quite well. Thank you. And 100,000, so you know what they’re solution? That’s OK, we’ll send out another 100,000. I said, really? What’s going to happen to the first 100,000? Who’s going to vote them? This is crazy, what’s going on. This is crazy. From St. Paul to St. Cloud, from Minneapolis to Minnetonka, and from Rochester to right here in Duluth…

I was nominated for three Nobel Prizes and not once — I didn’t get one story, I didn’t get one story. I have to tell you because they refused to write it. When Obama got his Nobel Prize, they didn’t — I mean it was the biggest story I’ve ever seen, right? And he didn’t even know why he got it, he got it like immediately upon taking office, what a difference. But I told my first lady, I told our first lady, Darling, you’re going to be so proud of me tonight. We’re going to watch television and you’re not going to believe how big this — what happened? What happened? Darling, I won the, I was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for Israel, right? Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and then again, again, I was nominated again for Serbia and Kosovo. They’re all different then I was nominated a third time, but I said first time.

Second time I was a little bit, [Audience chanting “We love you”] Yeah, I know, I love you too, but I said to our first lady, watch this tonight, darling, it’s going to be, and I turned to Lester Holt, No. 2 show. I turned to Lester Holt and they covered one story about rain, another was about the environment, another was about something else, another was a bad hit on me, another was something else, and now, we’re through with about half of it. They went to the longest commercial I’ve ever seen, not supposed to. You know, when you report the fake news, you’re not supposed to get free airtime from the U.S. government, right? Does anybody know what that means? And then they went on to the second half, again and again, and again, she looked at me, darling, I don’t think they’re going to cover this. I said it’s impossible. It’s a nomination for the Nobel Peace award, it’s impossible, Guess what? It ended, we got nothing. Then, three days later, we got nothing. And on the third time, the third time, I said let’s not even watch, we’re not going to get anything.

These people are sick.

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