Talking Points
Q. What has now been soiled?
A. The Sanctity of Our Cherished Institutions.
Q. What has been defiled?
A. The People’s House,
Q. What has been violated?
A. The very Symbol of Our Democracy.
Q. What has been tarnished?
A. The Shining City on a Hill.
Q. What has been darkened?
A. The Beacon to the World.
Q. What cannot be interrupted?
A. The People’s Business.
Q. Who is unafraid?
A. Those Solemnly Conducting the People’s Business are not cowed.
Q. Who is afraid?
A. The cowards despoiling the Sacred Halls of the People’s House.
Q. Has this happened before?
A. Not in nearly two centuries has this beautiful building been so threatened.
Q. Who is responsible?
A. Those repeating the baseless claims.
Q. Who is responsible?
A. Security lapses.
Q. Who is responsible?
A. The mob. The thugs. The rioters.
Q. Who is responsible?
A. The President.
Q. What should be done?
A. We will have to discuss that at the appropriate time.
— Jan. 7, 2021