Great general, Andrew Jackson, the Battle of New Orleans, right? Right? The ragtags. Remember?

Great general, Andrew Jackson, the Battle of New Orleans, right? Right? The ragtags. Remember?

A history lesson delivered by the president as the traveling Make America Great Again Again tour makes its Supporting the American Way of Life appearance in Muskegon, Michigan, October 17, 2020 (excerpts):

TRUMP: This election is a choice between a Trump strong, powerful, beautiful recovery, and a Biden depression. You will have. Because he’s going to raise your taxes, quadruple. You will have the single biggest depression in the history of our country. And I believe that includes 1929. That’s what I believe, okay?


TRUMP: They’re going to raise your taxes, put all the regulations back on, force all these companies that moved here and all over our country from all parts of the world, they’re going to all be forced to leave. You’re going to have a problem like you’ve never had before. Because… And you know what they want to do with the money? Fund the Green New Deal, okay?


TRUMP: … I read where they want to blow up Mount Rushmore before I got there. I mean, they want to blow it up. We want to blow the face off Mount Rushmore. I don’t think that’s happening. I think the people of South Dakota might not handle that too well, so it’s not happening.

But think of it. Where does this thinking come from? Where does this sickness come from? And we have to stop it. And we have been. Sleepy Joe said nothing when statues of Christopher Columbus, think of that, Christopher Columbus. They want to blow up all the statues. Now he just blew the Italian vote, by the way. So I don’t know. Anybody who’s Italian here, by any chance? If you’re Italian, do you happen to like Christopher Columbus? Christopher? Christopher Columbus. No. Think of it. You’re Italian. They want to blow up. You know, we had it, I think it was in New York. So they were going to rip down this gorgeous, right in New York, right? And the Italians circled it that they saw. That was the end of those people. They just sort of went away. You know, they’re sitting there and standing there and they had various things that they were holding. I won’t get into that because they’ll say, “That’s terrible. He’s inciting violence.” The President.

No, but the Italians, a group of Italians that lived in the neighborhood, surrounded this particular statue. And after about five minutes of talk back and forth, the radical anarchists and the Antifa people that nobody ever liked to talk about, they don’t like to say Antifa. They don’t like to say Antifa. They like to blame everything on the right. This is the left. They like to blame everything on the right. But the Antifa people, okay? So they wanted to do it. But when they saw this group of people, they said, “You know what? Let’s take a pass. Let’s go someplace else and rip down a statue.” But now they’re not doing it too much because I signed into law, I signed a bill that gives you 10 years in jail if you rip down any federal statue.

So this is the group though. So this is the statues and memorial recommendation [to] remove, relocate the following: Christopher Columbus statue, Benjamin Franklin statue, Andrew Jackson, great, great general, really good President, a great general, Andrew Jackson, the Battle of New Orleans, right? Right? The ragtags. Remember? He came in with the British. They came in their beautiful uniforms. He had the ragtags. The battle lasted about a half hour. Right? They want to take that statue of Andrew Jackson down right away. Thomas Jefferson, that’s a tough one to take down. Right? Thomas Jefferson. They want to take down the Jefferson Memorial. Anybody see the Jefferson? I don’t think we’re moving. I’ll tell you what. If I wasn’t your President, last summer, you may have the Jefferson Memorial taken. Now it may be down. They weren’t playing games. We weren’t playing games either.

The George Washington, okay? Here’s the beauty. We want to take down the George Washington Memorial, the monument. Okay? Well this is the commission. This is what we’re dealing with, folks. This is all of it. [inaudible] And wanted to remove the name of George Washington from all of the places all over the country where they use it. Then they found out there’s like 5,000 places. No, we’ll keep the name George Washington if you don’t mind. If the, if the media would perhaps put it correctly, a lot of people back there. There’s always a lot of people. You watch those red lights and as soon as I started talking about, the red lights go off because they know what I’m going to say.

You know, Joe Biden said nothing when statues of Christopher Columbus were in trouble and a heroic signer of the Declaration of Independence was removed by the Democrat politicians in his home state of Delaware, which he never leaves, in all fairness. Where’s Joe Biden speaking to Delaware? He doesn’t speak. You know what he does? He gets up, how about his news conferences where the fake news media gives him the questions and the answers. They say, “What do you think about this or that?” And then he reads the answer. I’ve been doing this stuff not that long, and I haven’t actually been doing it… Relatively speaking I’ve been doing it for a very short period of time, right?