Frankly, if you have somebody smart, real smart in this position, they’ll never catch you.

Frankly, if you have somebody smart, real smart in this position, they’ll never catch you.

The traveling Make America Great Again Again tour winds down with the final presidential performances in Pennsylvania and Michigan, November 2, 2020

Scranton, Pennsylvania

TRUMP: China was dumping steel all over the place. You ask the heads of your steel companies. You wouldn’t have any steel companies right now. Annihilated your coal jobs and supported every disastrous trade deal, for a half a century… China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, which lifted China into a great power, a great economic power, except they were going to catch us. For 10 years, if you study, China was going to catch us in 2019. Guess what? We were going so far ahead, and frankly, if you have somebody smart, real smart in this position, they’ll never catch you. They will never ever catch you. But, if you study the history, you’ll see, 10 years ago, 2019, they will catch, and they would have. If I didn’t come along, they would’ve caught you. They would’ve caught you. Then, we had the plague. We built the greatest economy in history, and then we had the plague coming from China. Came in, we closed it down. We saved 2 million lives. We saved 2 million lives and nobody gets it.

The projection was 2.2 million modeled out. We saved 2 million lives. We understand the disease and now we opened it up. By the way, Pennsylvania, get your state open. Get it open. Terrible. Terrible. The governor has to open your state, Pennsylvania, has to open your state.

CROWD: [inaudible]

TRUMP: Terrible. Wow. Get it open. Get it open, Governor. Get it open and count the votes, honestly. Governor, count them honestly. There was a very good pollster last night, actually a good one. He has us winning everything, but he was on last night. “How’s he going to do in Pennsylvania?” He was on a show called Sean Hannity. Have you ever heard of it? He said, “How’s he going to do in Pennsylvania?” “He’s going to win Pennsylvania, except for the cheating.” We figure we have to leave 5% for the cheating that takes [inaudible]. Can you believe it, for the cheating that takes place in Pennsylvania? The guy meant it. A very great pollster, but he predicted we would win the whole election. But the question was, “What about Pennsylvania?” He said, “Well, you have to leave 5% for the cheating.”

When the Supreme Court gave you an extension, they made a very dangerous situation and I mean, dangerous, physically dangerous. They made it a very, very bad … They did a very bad thing for this state. They did a very bad thing for this nation. You have to have a date. You can’t extend dates. The danger that could be caused by that extension, and especially when you know what goes on in Philadelphia, and it’s been going on for years. Governor, open up your state and please don’t cheat, Governor. Please don’t cheat, because we’re all watching.

We’re all watching you, Governor. We have a lot of eyes on the governor and his friend. Couple of other governors out there too. Pennsylvania lost half its manufacturing jobs after…

CROWD: [inaudible]

TRUMP: Thank you. Thank you. Pennsylvania lost half of your manufacturing jobs. Think of it. Joe Biden is a corrupt politician who sold out to Pennsylvania, to China and also sold out for personal gain and family gain. Where’s Hunter? Is Hunter in the crowd? Where is Hunter? In 2016, Pennsylvania voted to fire this corrupt political establishment, and you elected an outsider as your President, who is finally putting America first. If I don’t sound like a typical Washington politician, it’s because I’m not a politician. Probably, why, I’m here.

Grand Rapids, Michigan

TRUMP: I can’t believe this is even happening … the concept of losing to this guy. You better get out there and vote tomorrow or I’ll be so angry, I’ll never come back.