CSI: American Carnage (Wednesday, November 7, 2018)

CSI: American Carnage (Wednesday, November 7, 2018)

The Central Plains. Deep underground in the vast central plains complex, the Dark Ones relax within the Operations Center, a cool, dry room flickering with screens showing data of all kinds. The elder sips a flute of the newest green tea, brought in directly from Hangzhou. He says, We have done well, my brother. The financial support so freely given by members of the Council and our brethren in the Circle has been put to excellent use. The younger says, Yes, my brother, the gambler showman’s recklessness has blossomed into great success. The fearful servi have even embraced our felons-to-be in the tributary states of Connecticut and California. The vassals they call Collins and Hunter are firmly in the fold, restored to respectability by the ignorant servi. The elder is silent for a moment and then smiles. He says, Father, I believe, would be impressed. Recall that he showed such beneficence with the likes of the man Curley in Boston, teaming up with Joseph Kennedy, a devotee of a foreign creed, to help Curley run his organization from prison, funneling money to the proper accounts. There is a rich tradition of forgiveness among our people. They are so willing to offer a second chance to those who have made mistakes leading to embarrassment and exposure. Our assistance, of course, was essential in smacking down the Texas communist and the extremists in Florida and elsewhere in the southern districts. We did well my brother. But will it be enough to shore up the gambler showman? Yes, he will continue to put our selections into their judgeships, a blessing, but there are some thunderheads gathering. The rogue chevalier, the one they call Mueller, appears ready to deploy another round of his reckless charges. The gambler showman must move quickly to dispose of him, which should be quite simple really. The younger brother sips his tea. He says, You are correct, my brother, and the gambler showman, shored up by the Hoosier puppet, who did such great service in his home territory, will now move with chaotic confidence. The boll weasel will be ousted and with his departure, the gambler showman will move through the weasel’s department like a chain saw. The note takers in the media will be reeling, if I know the showman. The security department will also be crushed. Those around the showman, his personal servants, will scatter to the four corners. In such circumstances, who will even notice that the rogue chevalier has become a casualty? He will be just another body in a bag. That we no longer control one of their pitiful chambers, the one termed “the House,” is of little consequence. We now firmly control the courts and whosoever controls the courts controls the law and, indeed, life itself.

— Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2018
