CSI: American Carnage (Wednesday, November 21, 2018)

CSI: American Carnage (Wednesday, November 21, 2018)

Washington. You know, Stevie, Donald says, as he settles into the lounger, there has never been another day, a greater day, than yesterday, unless you are considering what today may bring, which could be anything, and it’s amazing to me, amazing, that you have a front row seat, like in right here in the Executive Lounge, my fucking lounge, with my teevee, and my remote, and my rallies to watch, which I will pick in whatever way I want, if only Kelly would snap to it and get the dip refill from the tube – all you need is a goddamn tube of guac dip, which you squeeze into the fucking bowl, if only Kelly would get it – Kelly! Kelly! – and so these farmers are doing better than they ever had thanks to me and our great trade policy which gives them the opportunity to just leave the frigging soy on the frigging ground and fuck around for a year and sell it when the Chinese are on their knees, on their knees! begging for us to sell em the soy and our guys will be ready, ready to rake all that soy off the ground and deal it to the Chinese at amazing prices, prices like you’ve never seen before, and from raking, which they don’t do in fucking California because they are fucking retards and morons and now they are paying the price, which the American people are really paying, and not the California, they don’t pay shit – except to give sandwiches and beds and transistor radios to all the terrorists crossing the border, and I told Christine or whatever her name is, that we can’t have these asylum crooks and thugs playing the Dem courts and letting the terrorists and the diseased just waltz right in in front of everybody else, and do you know what she says, do you have any idea that what she says, any idea, no, but I will tell you, all she does is to call this a dangerous ruling and look into her eight ball and say this dipshit asylum ruling will be overturned, and she doesn’t say fuck you, she doesn’t tell the fucking judge that it’s all over her dead body, which is Chrissy’s problem, that, and she is weak, very weak, and could be a secret Hillary supporter like the birdman, like what’s his face, McCrow or whatever the mister big shot army guy or navy guy who took years to catch Osama is called by whatever, and we will add him to the holding pen once Matt gets the fucking Justice Dept. straightened out and sends the dog-face packing and maybe we’ll add him too, that would be something, because I don’t think there’s ever been a president in history, all of history, who has ruled over the criminal trials, criminal, criminal trials of his crooked opponent, who’s been caught red handed, crooked Hillary, and her lying henchman, the guy who brought Lisa Page and her loverboy Peter S together in Moscow, lyin Comey, and the dog-faced conflicted and angry prosecutor harassing and trying to destroy the president who is protected by POTUS Shield anyway, so good luck with that, and we got the Saudi glowing ball which is burning bright, Stevie, burning so bright, and shows the way to $600 million flowing in, $700 million — it all comes here from the Saudi and is it because some guy who has some unpronounceable name was in the wrong place and at the wrong time and got himself cut up, is that why, don’t answer, I’ll answer, no, it’s because of me, Stevie, me, and everything I have done to make this country what it is today. Kelly! Kelly!

— Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2018

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