CSI: American Carnage (Wednesday, November 14, 2018)

CSI: American Carnage (Wednesday, November 14, 2018)

Washington. Donald leans back in his chair as the staff files in and sits. Kelly says, Stephen good to see you. Stephen says, Of course you’d come up with that. Where were you in France? Kelly says, I was at the cemetery. Where the hell were you? Stephen says, It’s unbelievable you would attack the president like that. Kelly says, I am not attacking the president. The president is right here. Am I attacking you? Donald says, Why don’t you guys deal with it? Bolton says, You still have that useless sack of nothing under your thumb at HS? She couldn’t find an illegal if she were in jail. Stephen says, That’d be a good place for her. Kelly says, She has given selflessly to her country. Bolton says, What a waste of time. Selflessly? She has no self. Empty sack. Nick says, Can we start the meeting? Larry says, I’m not going to be in the same room, let alone sit at the same table as Navarro. There is treason in this room. Bolton says, Why don’t you take that up with your pretty boy, Mnuchin? Larry says, You are doing a great disservice. Kelly says, You people better cool it. Too much freelancing. Bolton says, What about Melania? Donald says, Melania has some very good ideas. Kelly says, Leave her out of it. Stephen says, Don’t mess with that woman. You’ll get cut. Donald laughs. Kelly says, Why don’t you take that kind of talk out of the room? Stephen says, I want to know why Nielsen is still in the building. Why is that? Donald says nothing. Kelly says, She is a key member of our national security team. Stephen says, The president of the United States and the leader of the Free World wants her gone. Kelly says, Fuck you, you little snot. Stephen says, You can’t talk to me like that. Kelly says, Little snot, little snot. Snot snot snot snot. Stephen stands, knocking over his chair. That’s it. I’m out of here. Mr. President, Sir, excuse me. Stephen leaves. Kelly surveys the room. Donald says, Fucking Zach. Fucked us up in France. Kelly looks over the room. Zach is not there. Kelly says, Kirstjen stays for the moment. We got nobody else. Bolton says, That’s bullshit. Kelly says, Yeah? Says who? Donald says, Shut up. You and fucking Theresa, you just love the fucking mullahs. Bolton smiles. He says, They are secret ragheads, Mr. President, as sure as the day is long. Kudlow says, We are on standard time, you blockhead. You are doing the president a great disservice. Bolton says, Why don’t you go back to the loony bin? Donald says, Larry is a great star. I want to hear what Lou has to say. Kelly, get me Lou. Kelly says, I’m sorry sir, it’s Lou’s nap time. Donald turns as red as a radish. He pounds his fist on the table. He says, Nap time? Nap time? I can blow up the entire fucking Korean peninsula during his fucking nap time.

— Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018