CSI: American Carnage (Wednesday, June 19, 2019)

CSI: American Carnage (Wednesday, June 19, 2019)

ORLANDO FL — Donald looks out over the flaming sea of red caps, the white signs bobbing above the choppy waters, the passengers dog-paddling in the waves. He points at the guys in cargo shorts with the sunglasses stuck above the brim. They do a little dance and howl a bit. He listens – Trump! Trump! Trump!, USA! USA! USA!, Lock them up! Lock them up! Six more years! Six more years! – he slowly lumbers through a turn of 360 degrees. He basks, his face a glowing coal. Donald says, We stared down the unholy alliance of lobbyists and donors and special interests, who made a living, bleeding our country dry. That’s what we’ve done. USA! USA! USA! He says, We are garlic to their blood-sucking. We are the silver bullet worshipped, and many say, rightfully, by the Second Amendment people. We are the cross that bares and lashes. Chants of Master! Master! boom through the Amway Center, built by what’s her name who runs the schools department. The one with the boat and the graffiti on it. Donald says, We broke down the doors of Washington backrooms, where deals were cut to close our companies, give away your jobs, shut down our factories, and surrender your sovereignty and your very way of life, and we’ve ended it. We took on a political machine that tried to take away your voice and your vote. Deals were cut. Deals were cut. Lock them up! Lock them up! The Democrats cut the deals to get rid of the jobs. They want you to lose your job. They will be coming for your job. They will steal it and try to beat the crap out of you and suck out every last drop of American blood. They want you to starve. They want to give your house to the Muslims and the Mexicans. They tried to take away your dignity and your destiny, but we will never let them do that, will we? The Second Amendment folks know what I’m talking about. Six more years! Six more years! Donald scunches his face and forces a smile. He says, Many times I said, We would drain the swamp, and that’s exactly what we’re doing right now, we’re draining the swamp. And that’s why the swamp is fighting back so viciously and violently. The swamp is filled with swamp creatures. Swamp creatures. You know, violent swamp creatures who live in the swamp and want to suck you dry and and go for everything you’ve got, and for the last two and a half years, we have been under siege, they rise out of the water, they drip and smell with the fishy smell and they want your women, they want to take your women. But with the Mueller report we won, and now they want a do over, they want a do over. They didn’t think we could beat their crooked, nasty game, with the Fake News™ and the bullshit. So they said, back in the back rooms, Let’s do it again, didn’t work out too well, let’s do it again. They want a do over. No president should ever have to go through this again. It is so bad for our great country. Our hopes, the great hopes. Our patriotic movement has been under assault from the very first day. We accomplish more than any other president has in the first two and a half years of a presidency and under circumstances that no president has had to deal with before, because we did in the middle of the great and illegal witch hunt, things that nobody have been able to accomplish, not even close. No president, except for Lincoln, they say, maybe Lincoln, nobody’s done what we have done in two and a half years. We went through the greatest witch hunt in political history. Even Lincoln didn’t have the witch hunt and the collusion was committed by the Democrats, the fake news media and their operatives and the people who funded the phony dossier, crooked Hillary Clinton and the DNC. It was all an illegal attempt to overturn the results of the election, spy on our campaign, which is what they did and subvert our democracy. But like Abraham Lincoln, who was a great Christian American, with the god, we will not be replaced. They will not replace us, okay. — Wednesday, June 19, 2019
