CSI: American Carnage (Wednesday, February 20, 2019)
WASHINGTON – Mike and John and Patrick and all the rest are arrayed around Donald as he takes out an enormous coal-black sharpie. Reporters file into the Oval and cluster in a semi-circle, waiting for the president to sign his space force legislation. Donald looks out at them. He says, I was put here for security — whether it’s space force, which we’re doing today, or whether it’s borders, which we are also doing today, but not here, but we are doing it, you just can’t see it from here. Because if our nation doesn’t have borders, we don’t have too much of a nation, especially when drugs and all of the things that — you know better than anybody what’s happening at the border. Pouring in. It’s a bad situation. So I think we’re going to do very well with the lawsuit just as we are going to do well with the space force. There are no borders in space, there are frontiers, but no borders, which is why my administration has recognized space as a war-fighting domain and made the creation of the space force a national security priority. We draw the borders; they don’t, whoever they are. We have some very interesting dialogue going on about what’s important. You know that. We’re investing in new space capabilities to project military and police power and ATF, CPB, ICE, and all the rest, and safeguard our nation’s interests, especially when it comes to safety and defense and borders. Because you know, earth, our planet, is its own border, so the space force will organize, equip, and train the next generation of warriors.You have hostile actions in the form of space and taking place in space, in ships, and in other places, planets, wherever in the universe, a huge, huge challenge. But we have a lot of things on the books. We have a lot of new defensive weapons and offensive weapons designed specifically for this, and now we’re going to start taking advantage of. This is something they could have done sooner but they decided to wait. And here I am, and we’re going to do it. And I’m very proud that, during my administration, we’re doing so much space. We need it. We absolutely need space. So everyone here, John, Mike, thank you. They’ve all worked very hard on the space force. They all believe in it very strongly, as I do. It’s the future. It’s where we’re going. I suspect, whether we like it or not, that’s where we’re going. It’s space. That’s the next step, and we have to be prepared. Our adversaries and — whether we get along with them or not, they’re up in space. And they’re doing it, and we’re doing it. And that’s going to be a very big part of where the defense of our nation — and you could say offense — but let’s just be nice about it and let’s say the defense of our nation is going to be.
— Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2019