CSI: American Carnage (Wednesday, February 19, 2020)
LAS VEGAS – Little Timmy and the Professor’s small strike force look down on Las Vegas. Boris, congenial triple agent, says, There is Eifel Tower. Timmy’s friend Mohammed says, And there’s the Statue of Liberty. And over there is Lake Como, just like Italy. Sarah, Timmy’s friend from the resistance pot luck, says, This is Las Vegas, where there is about to be a presidential debate, but it is really the birthplace of the sparkly false stuff. Timmy says, Yeah, it was arguably the birthplace of the glittering fallacy, but there’s lots of competition now. Back in the day they’d bring illusionists into the lounges. Now the whole place is a lounge, nothing is what it seems to be. Sarah says, I don’t think that’s entirely true. Yes the Autocrat basks in the kind of corporate illusion pushed by his buddy Sheldon, but the reality is thousands of poor workers of color are scratching out a living here. Illusion is the mother of inaction. Mohammed says, Yes, look at those tract houses stretching away from downtown. They have wiped out all illusion. People there are scrabbling. Sarah says, The Autocrat keeps them corralled in their minimum-wage world and tells them they are much better off. Yes, says the Professor, just a month ago, on the birthday of Dr. King, I remember, he sent a typical tweet: It was exactly three years ago today, January 20, 2017, that I was sworn into office. So appropriate that today is also MLK jr DAY. African-American Unemployment is the LOWEST in the history of our Country, by far. Also, best Poverty, Youth, and Employment numbers, ever. Great! Sarah says, That is the Autocrat. Yes. Now if only those African Americans were contributing to his campaign, or just handing over bags of cash, like Paul Pogue and his wife. A few hundred thousand to the Autocrat can clear up a lot of illusions. – Wednesday, February 19, 2020