CSI: American Carnage (Tuesday, May 19, 2020)

CSI: American Carnage (Tuesday, May 19, 2020)

NEW YORK — Doocer says, Brian, there’s no question Obama did it. Killer says, No question. And then he lied about it. Did it and then lied about it. Ainse says, That’s right, Brian. Covered it up, the greatest crime in American history. Doocer says, Obamagate really ties it all together. Killer says, From soup to nuts. Doocer says, Brian, there really is no precedent for this level of lying. Ainse says, No, Steve, there isn’t. It seems there is nothing they won’t lie about. We catch them red handed with their hands in the cookie jar, and they call it a hoax. Doocer says, This is no hoax. It’s really an incredible tale the president has exposed. Incredible. The American people deserve better than this. Brian says, With General Flynn fighting like an American Hero… Ainse says, He is an American Hero. Doocer says, Of course he is. With American Hero General Flynn fighting for his life and reputation, with Americans by the thousands fighting for their freedom and their liberty, with Americans everywhere struggling to take back their country from the corrupt and lawless Deep State. Obama not only did it, he’s proud of it and is teaching America’s young people how to do it. Children. America’s future corrupted and debased. There is no bottom. There is no depth they will not sink to. Killer says, No, Steve, there isn’t. And all of this criminality, this corruption, this bad stuff is brought to bear on President Trump. And I have to say, guys, he has shown remarkable calm. He is focused. He is indefatigable. He is tough. Just the other day he said that we’re all Doing REALLY well, medically, on solving the CoronaVirus situation (Plague!). It will happen! Aines says, His confidence is infectious, Brian. He just pops another hyrdoxychloroquine and goes back to the trenches. And he is so willing to give others the credit for this remarkable achievement. No one else has ever fought a pandemic weaponized like this, turned into a political attack. But the president has not only fought, he has achieved a remarkable victory. He has accomplished a mission that no one else has ever accomplished in the history of these kinds of confrontations. He makes you realize why America is great, and why it will be great again, following the Transition to Greatness. Doocer says, You know, they say that when you’re making something great, the second time you make it great is easier. Hey, that reminds me. We have an unusual guest coming up after the break. Ainse says, Who is it, Steve? Doocer says, His name is Cesare. Some say he is a necromancer. Some say he’s a somnambulist. Ainse says, Well,  I hope we’re going to get to the bottom of it. Doocer says, We’re going to try Ainsely. Cesare, I’m told, has some remarkable insights into the magic and health practices of African Americans, which need to be examined. Ainse says, They sure do, Steve. Very unusual. Stay tuned following this brief message. — Tuesday, May 19, 2020