CSI: American Carnage (Tuesday, May 14, 2019)

CSI: American Carnage (Tuesday, May 14, 2019)

SENECA SC – My beautiful Lindsey, says the Ghost of John McCain, what has happened? How can you forsake all that we held so dear? The ghost picks up his hand, which has fallen to the floor, and seeks to mush it back onto his arm. Lindsey says, John, goddammit, you’re dead. What the hell are you doing in my living room? You’re a mess and Hector is in Washington and the cleaning lady doesn’t come till Thursday. Look at this. The Ghost says, Lindsey, Lindsey, Back in the day, you were by my side. We fought for the rule of law. The Three Musketeers they called us. We sought to hold the White House accountable. Remember when we led the charge against Clinton. He tried to wiggle out of it. He tried to don the wool. But we wouldn’t let him. Now you’re telling this little twerp to ignore subpoenas? What is going on? What about the law? What about your country? What about the sanctity of our institutions? The Ghost shakes his head, casting mud and dead flesh onto the carpet. Lindsey says, Come into the kitchen, John. There’s linoleum on the floor. John shuffles into the kitchen while Lindsey turns off his Metallica playlist. Lindsey says, Goddammit, John, these are different times. The twerp is the president’s goddamn son, for chrissake. He can’t even add two and two and come up with five. This kid can’t answer questions. You want him to go under the lights right when his old man is trying to bring China into line? The Iranians are pushing. You gotta wake up John, times are changing. Once the president takes control of Iran, he can use it to stage against the Chinese, which is what he told me this is all about. This is China, John! This is serious! The Ghost of McCain stares at Lindsey. His jaw drops and then falls to the floor with a splat! Ask yourself, John, just ask yourself, why are they panicking? Why are the UK, France, and Germany so involved? What about the trips to the White House? What are they hiding? Why is Hillary in New Zealand? Is New Zealand part of the five eyes? Why is that relevant? Suicide watch? The Ghost begins to back away as Lindsey grows more and more agitated. Lindsey says, He should flush the subpoena down the toilet. Plumbers? If he doesn’t, he just keeps his mouth shut, no drinking, pleads the Fifth, and it’s over. Over John. Then the Iran-China Plan kicks in and the Seal of the Rose is resolved. It’s a new day, John, you’re dead and I am not gonna be left behind. – Tuesday, May 14, 2019