CSI: American Carnage (Tuesday, January 22, 2019)

CSI: American Carnage (Tuesday, January 22, 2019)

The Times guy is mulling fate over a Brewdog at the Off the Record bar when the Post guy looks in and sees him. He pushes through the door and walks over to the Times guy. Hey, says the Times guy. What brings you here so late? The Post guy shouts, Barkeep! Two more! And sits down. Rudy, he says, what’s with Rudy? The Times guy says, It’s a game, right, a grift? He puts out more and more and more so-called truthful or bogus or contradictory info, right. Everybody says, Oooo, Rudy’s gone off the wall. He’s making unforced errors – the Trump Moscow tower talks run to election day and beyond. Trump tapes don’t show anything. The Trump tower doesn’t mean anything. It’s a so what. Are they unforced errors? Or are they necessary prep work? The Post guy says, What’s the game? The Times guy says, Who’s he working for? The Post guy says, Donald. The Times guy says, Okay, that’s all you need to know. The question is where in the con we all are. It’s a long con, so we may be in some foundation work on an off-shoot con. The con is huge with lots of branches, more branches than the Liberty Tree. The trunk con, the main con, I think we’re probably beyond the foundation point on that. Donald’s been elected, okay. The victims – everybody not Donald – are already in place. We think we know the players we’re dealing with – Donald, Pence, Rudy, Don Jr. and all the other family people, Jared, etc. The scheme is already set in outline, it’s moving. Donald’s been elected. He’s dismantling the government. He’s dismantling what people believe. All that stuff we know so well. The Post guy says, Ok. The Times guy says, So we’ve got all these minor payoffs and successes – the tax cut for billionaires, the gutting of the environmental regs, dealing off the land, the privatizing of the VA, which nobody seems to be paying any attention to, the school scam run by Betsy, the toying with Israel, the toying with Iran, sale of the munitions, all that. It seems to me, we’re now at the hurrah, the point in the con where some crisis breaks everything open and the con works or goes down in flames. The Post guy says, Interesting. So Mueller is the crisis? His investigation is closing in? The Times guy says, Oh no. That’s not it at all. The crisis is the shutdown. This is the make or break part of the con. Donald takes apart the government completely. People are pauperized. They quit. They die. The Post guy says, Okay. Then what? The Times guy says, It’s obvious. Donald replaces all the dead souls with his own people, if he replaces them at all. He gets a cut on every deal, whether it’s selling land rights or school contracts, or health care for the heroes, or war contracts to Eric and other privateers. Nobody’s left to thwart any of that. Eventually, he gets his Trump Tower in Moscow and the approval of Vlad. The Post guy says, People aren’t that stupid. He’ll never get away with it. The Times guy says, Won’t he?

— Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2019