CSI: American Carnage (Tuesday, January 15, 2019)

CSI: American Carnage (Tuesday, January 15, 2019)

Donald, stretched in the lounger, wrapper loosely tied, slippers askew, calls for his aide. Kelly! Kelly! Goddamit! Get in here! Goddamn! Donald pushes a large pile of Wendy’s wrappers from the sidetable. The remote falls to the floor. Shit! Kelly! Kelly is not there. Hector, in the shadows, comes forward and silently retrieves the remote and places it on the table. Donald shoves a Domino’s box to the side and picks up the remote. There is a knock. Donald says, Come, and Stephen enters the Executive Lounge. He makes his way around a heap of McDonald’s boxes and more Wendy’s wrappers. Stephen says, I thought you’d be here celebrating. Those football players love their fast food. What a brilliant idea to serve them hamburgers and french fries and what a treat for them! Donald says, I paid for it. I got a lot. More than they’ve ever seen, which is what they told me. This is only what’s leftover. Stephen says, Better too much than too little. Loved you in Tennessee. That was a brilliant speech, brilliant. They’re saying brilliant in New Orleans. You’re right, walls are not the oldest. Donald says, A wheel is older than a wall. Every single car, even the really expensive ones that the Secret Service uses, and believe me they are expensive, I said, ‘Do they all have wheels?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Oh. I thought it was medieval.’ They say a wall is medieval. Well, so is a wheel. There are some things that work, you know what? A wheel works, and a wall works. Plus a wall and a wheel works too. And some rope. You turn the wheels and the walls pull the rope. You put Pocahontas in there and it’s squeal time. Stephen says, That is so true. Or Biden. Biden would work. Donald says, Yeah. You know, I told em that in Tennessee, I told those beautiful farmers with their oats and corn and shit, and all their little children and their wives, the farmers’ wives, because the little children and the women need to know. Biden knows, but he doesn’t say nothing. He’s back on the garbage pile. Right on the pile. Doesn’t care that women and children are being ruthlessly exploited at our southern border by vicious coyotes. Who would think of this? Human traffickers. Now when you hear the words human traffickers, you think about a thousand years ago, two thousand years ago. But then they got these wheels, and the walls, lots of walls, which were invented a long time ago. You wouldn’t think. The trafficking, it’s worse today in the world, it’s a worse problem than it’s ever been. And the reason it’s worse is because of the internet, which they did not have in the Medieval. They target young women. They target young children. The internet and they come in through our southern border into our country. Forget about the tunnels. They use the internet. And they’ll have women taped, their mouths with duct tape, with electrical tape. They tape their face, their hair, their hands behind their back, their legs. They put ’em in the back seat of cars and vans, and they don’t come in through your port of entry. Cause you’d see them, you couldn’t do that. They come in through our border where we don’t have any barriers or wall. They drive, they just go where there’s no security. They just make a left into the United States and they come in and they have women tied up, they have tape over their mouths, electrical tape, usually blue tape as they call it. It’s powerful stuff. Not good. And, they have three, four, five of them in vans or three of them in back seats of cars and they just drive right in. Raping. Trafficking. And the drugs. Stephen says, Children need this information. They need to look at mom and say, Who is she? Where did she come from? Vital, sir, so vital.

— Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019