CSI: American Carnage (Tuesday, December 3, 2019)
LONDON – Donald is not at the table. He’s in a side chair. He tells Jens, I don’t usually use side chairs. That must be Manny’s work. He wants to put Donald J. Trump, president of All the Americas, in a side chair, but I’ll tell you Jens, that kind of Nasty Stuff won’t work, which Manny is well aware of, and has been since he made that dangerous and insulting Brain Death comment, which only serves his own purposes because France needs NATO and Donald J. Trump, and Donald J. Trump, president of All the Americas, and many, many other places around the world, in the Pacific, which is the largest ocean, the greatest ocean and has nothing, Jens, nothing to do with France and its insulting, nasty little games, which are based on Manny’s misinformation about Trump, which is a big misinformation based on the completely discredited Scam Report put out by the Radical Democrat wing of the nut jobs, they are nuts, Jens, nuts, because they are all lying and following the Corrupt Schiff, which is the most Corrupt, and you don’t want to go there, because Zelensky has already said the call was perfect, PERFECT! Jens, there has never, and we have had great Legal Scholars look at this and every one of them said that this call is Perfect, No Collusion — quiet Jens, quiet, quiet! — except for the radical Democrat left and the women, always the women, Jens, who think we are not going to do anything about it, which is a Fatal Error, Jens, Fatal, and I know that the Great NATO leaders will not make another big mistake and go down the Collusion road with Manny, who knows nothing about Obstruction. – Tuesday, December 3, 2019