CSI: American Carnage (Tuesday, August 20, 2019)

CSI: American Carnage (Tuesday, August 20, 2019)

NEW YORK — Doocer says, Can you believe it, Brian? There doesn’t seem to be any bottom to the bottomless depths they’ll go. Killer says, Steve, you are right. And before we get to our very special guest, former Speaker of the House, Dad, Father, and Devoted Husband and Student of American History with a doctoral degree from Tulane University, and author of the best-selling Belgian Education Policy in the Congo 1945–1960, I just want viewers to see this clip. Let’s take a look. A video rolls of Rev. Jeremiah Wright standing at a podium pulpit, mopping perspiration from his brow. He says, God Damn America! The clip ends. Killer says, That’s Obama’s preacher. His spiritual leader. His mentor. Doocer says, Brian, don’t the Democrats always play the race card? That’s like standard, right? Ains leans forward and says, Obama’s a politician! Doocer says, Remember he just said, that “we should reject language coming from the mouths of leaders that feeds a climate of fear and hatred or normalizes racist sentiments.” Killer says, That’s code for President Trump. Doocer scratches his head. He says, You think? Killer says, I think so. I’m just wondering if, did George Bush ever condemn President Obama after Sandy Hook? I have news for you, mass shootings were happening before this president even thought about running for president of the United States. Ains says, Ok. It’s a political season and the election’s around the corner. And they want to push that racist narrative. Killer turns to the camera and says, Our special guest, a man who knows a thing or two about the racist narrative, former Dad, Speaker Newt Gingrich. Doocer says, Welcome, Mr. Speaker, what’s on your mind? Newt says, You know the radical left, the racists, and the race card, Steve. Doocer says, Newt, is the New York Times with its 1619 project, what are they trying to push with this slavery thing? Newt says, The whole project is a lie. Look, I think slavery is a terrible thing.  Doocer nods. Ains wraps her legs together even tighter. Newt continues, But, for most Americans, most of the time, there were a lot of other things going on. Doocer says, Those would be the majority, not a minority? Newt nods and says, There were several hundred thousand white Americans who died in the Civil War in order to free the slaves who are all the blacks. Now the New York Times claims that the American Revolution was caused in part to defend slavery. That is such historically factually false nonsense that it’s embarrassing that The New York Times is doing this. But, if you saw the recent leaked interview, town hall meeting with The New York Times’ editor, he basically said, look, we blew it on Russian collusion, didn’t work. Now we’re going to go to racism, that’s our new model. The next two years will be Trump and racism. This is a tragic decline of The New York Times into a propaganda paper worthy of Pravda or Izvestia in the Soviet Union. Doocer says, So this slavery theory is what the Democrats and the New York Times plan to ride into the 2020 elections? Newt says, Yeah, you know the Russians had serfs. So that adds an extra wrinkle. Ains says, Smurfs? Doocer says, No, no. Serfs. Newt will explain after this. – Tuesday, August 20, 2019.