CSI: American Carnage (Tuesday, August 13, 2019)

CSI: American Carnage (Tuesday, August 13, 2019)

BENEATH THE PLAINS – Mike stands before the Dark Ones, head bowed, explaining that the Drag Queen Brigade has been scooping up children at the behest of the Clintons for going on 16 years. Mike says, My Lords, the extent of the evil is difficult to comprehend. Mother and our pastor say they have retrieved the important documents from Little Saint James Island, where the Clinton gang walked bands of children on leashes. The island has now been overrun by Clinton deputies posing as FBI agents on the prowl for those very documents and also the Dalton School records.  Most may  already be in our hands. We await reports. But rest assured, our great attorney general understands the levels of duplicity operating here and will ensure that the truth is revealed, at least for the most part. The Dark Ones, seated on their high-back loungers in the north welcome atrium of the vast central plains complex, listen as Mike continues. Mike says, These are not just any children, these are largely Nordic children, according to Mother, American children, or nearly so. The elder brother re-crosses his legs, lifts a finger, and finally says, The man you call the attorney general, this Barr individual, has a long history with the debauchée, does he not? Why would any servi, free or enslaved, believe what Barr tells them. Mike says, Because it will be the truth, my lords, as he sees it. The younger brother chuckles. The truth? Ho ho ho. What does he know of the truth? What is its value – that is the only truth with meaning. And its value is measured by the free-flowing system which deposits the funds in our accounts. A disruption of the flow is a serious malfunction and a sure sign of bad faith, lying, and duplicity. It must be expunged. Truth is what we say it is and truth is what we insist upon! But the Gambler Showman’s ad libbing is becoming increasingly reckless. He crows now of advanced nuclear weaponry. He seeks to bar all immigrants. What will that do to our ability to enslave at will? What is he seeking to achieve by this nonsense? Surely he can’t believe that his motives are anything but utterly transparent? Surely he doesn’t believe that his criminal behavior is unnoticed? My god, man, we license the behavior! Of course it is noticed! Why does he think he is where he is? Talent? Admittedly there is evidence of low-animal cunning mixed with a flair for vulgar display and a nose for money. We facilitate all that. We provide the stage. We grease it. We pull the goddamn strings! Not the other way around. The younger brother falls back in a coughing fit. Mike keeps his head bowed and says, My lords, His Magnificence will fulfill all of your wishes and more. Money will grow on trees and golden showers will soak the land if he continues with the grand plan. The elder says, And what is the grand plan? Mike says, Many say it will be revealed when the numbers match up with the numbers of children held at Guantanamo during or after the solstice and the number of the license number of Dyn Corp.’s covert field plane, I’m told. Mother and our pastor will provide me with an update shortly. –-Tuesday, August 13, 2019