CSI: American Carnage (Tuesday, April 1, 2020)
WASHINGTON — Mike says, It’s going to be rough, but at the end of the day and with the grace of our lord Jesus Christ, you can ride it out. They may throw the bodies in the path of the righteous, but he shall walk over them on his way to the lord. Donald, sitting behind the desk in the Oval, looks glum. He says, Two million, that’s a lot, two million is a lot of people. Mike says, That’s not going to happen. You already did a lot, that automatically cuts it to a million. It’s like a free pass on the first million just by being there. Donald says, Still, a lot of people. If we keep the distance, it’ll come down more, right, we can bring it down below a million. Mike says, Easy, with god’s help. A million’s not the floor. We can bring it down a lot more. Donald says, If we bring it down below a million say, say we bring it down to just 725,000, that means we saved over a million lives of these people, a lot of them in New York. We’ve sent Andrew the ventilators, very complex, very complicated, which he says aren’t enough, but what if we hadn’t sent them? He’s killing people there, trying to, and we sent the boat and we built the tent hospitals too. All he can do is bash us. Nobody built tent hospitals in Central Park during the polio, okay. Mike says, And because of your great leadership and Franklin’s selfless effort in the name of Jesus, each person setting up those tents, every person driving a stake into the ground, every person assisting some sick soul, has embraced Jesus Christ, every single one. They’ve cast off satan, and thanks to your wisdom and Franklin’s rules, they are following the path of righteousness. We are thankful, and Mother and our Pastor are deeply grateful for the compassion you’ve shown, the love and humanity you’ve shown, and your willingness to keep out the deviants and the godless. Donald says, You don’t see hospital tents every day. Mike says, No, no. Because not everyone has your vision and your great soul. I can’t be sure but I believe the last time there were hospital tents in Central Park was during the Civil War. Donald brightens. He says, Lincoln! The only president who even came close to being treated as bad as me. Nobody’s been treated like I’ve been treated, as you know. And he was a Republican too, they hated him, the press, but Lincoln did a great job. He did very well. Mike says, You are the star, and Lincoln is long gone, but your star shines brightly in the night sky. Donald is thoughtful. He says, How many were killed by the Civil War? Mike says, I’m not entirely sure, but around 600,000, 625,000. Donald thinks for a long moment. Finally he says, can we get it below 600,000? Mike says, I don’t know. Donald says, We can use Lincoln as the yardstick, that’s what they call it. We get below 600,000 we’re better than Lincoln. Better than Lincoln. It’s a great victory. Mike says, With the help of the lord, Jesus Christ. – Tuesday, April 1, 2020