CSI: American Carnage (Thursday, January 23, 2020)

CSI: American Carnage (Thursday, January 23, 2020)

UNDERGROUND – Little Timmy, pup reporter, and the Professor’s small strike force make their way through a quiet back channel. We are in that limbo, the Professor says, looking around. These back channels are not exactly in The Cyber, but they are not out of The Cyber either. Boris, genial triple agent, says, Eet ees so quiet. After minefield of Cyber, thees ees like lulubye. Mohammed, Timmy’s friend, says, Lullaby. But there is no music, you can’t have a lullaby without music. No music, no lullaby. They walk. The walls of the back channel are rough-hewn, as though little used. There is a faint odor. Sounds of hissing and banging are heard in the distance. Some indistinguishable shouts arise from somewhere. And then a piercing howl. Around a bend in the tunnel, the strike force comes upon men and women with distorted faces gathered over a puddled mass. They are bashing the ground, and the mass, which may have at one point been a body, is barely moving beneath the repeated blows and the aggressive efforts to twist it into an unrecognizable heap. Boris says, Good lord! Thees ees unconscionable! What are they doing? Why are the beating whatever or whomever it is so savagely? Sarah says, This is the autocrat’s doing. We have stumbled upon his minions and his henchmen destroying the truth. When they are finished, there will be nothing for anyone to see except a lifeless pulp. This is a key activity of the autocrat. When they are done, there will be nothing left and the autocrat will recreate his own truth, as needed. This has been going on every day and every hour of every day. Timmy says, Aren’t those legislators and politicians beating so savagely? Sarah says, Of course. Some fear the wrath of the autocrat. Some just follow orders. Some have their own reasons. The Professor says, I see some senators. One of the attackers, his face covered with organs and blood, raises his shovel and bangs down ferociously. He shouts, I’m covering up nothing! I’m exposing your hatred of this president, to the point that you would destroy the institution. You are engaged in a witch hunt. You’re on a crusade to destroy this man and they don’t care what they destroy in the process of trying to destroy Donald Trump. You want only to destroy! Destroy! Destroy! With each howl of destroy, the attacker bangs with his shovel onto the barely beating mass on the ground. He gains energy with each howl, and kicks the distorted mass with a blood-splattered wingtip. The strike force watches in alarm as the attackers continue. At last, one pokes at the still, quiet mass, and says, That’s enough for today boys. I don’t know about you but I need a drink. They all cheer and after a last kick at the mass, turn and walk away down the tunnel. –– Thursday, January 23, 2020