CSI: American Carnage (Thursday, January 10, 2019)

CSI: American Carnage (Thursday, January 10, 2019)

Little Timmy, pup reporter, and Sarah, his friend from the resistance potluck, have managed to join the White House staff. Their undercover reports sent back to the Professor, now operating from a new Elyria safe house on Russia Road, have proven invaluable as the brilliant crypto-physicist constructs his new virtual-space vehicle, the Cybertronic Eagle 2000. Timmy is phoning in his latest report, Sarah at his side. Timmy says, So Professor, tonight is off the charts. He’s in the Executive Lounge with Stephen. We’re in the hallway outside the lounge and we can see incredible bright flashes coming under the door. What sound like explosions or rolling bursts of thunder are coming from inside the lounge. The Professor says, This is a great concern. It must be that the virtual has seeped, via a logarithmic worm passage, directly into the West Wing! Sarah says, It is worse than that, Professor. The autocrat has reached the stage where there is no one around him but close family members and those who are complicit in the crimes of the regime. They are constructed by the autocrat and bound to him and have no will beyond what the autocrat provides. The virtual has become the real, offering completely free range of movement across all dimensions for these binary actors. The Professor says, We agree here at base. It may be time to pull you out and proceed with the rest of the plan. Timmy says, We are ready to exit. Our mission here is completed. We have determined that he has no strategy. He has no tactics. He has only emotional impulses that can be algorithmically converted into protein forms of subliminal energy. The destruction and stench is already enormous, but nothing compared with the potential devastation in store in the entropic future. The shutdown of the government is a classic example. He was goaded into it by his cronies. Now he can’t get out of it. Chaos and its powerful energy are building. Sarah says, That analysis is not entirely accurate. The autocrat will exit the strategy when he is assured that the other side, in this case the Democrats, will lose. It matters little if he can claim victory. The important thing for him is to declare losers and look down on them and fling ridicule everywhere. In the meantime, the shutdown is useful. He remains the center of the drama and his activities involving the oligarchs remain off the radar, even as they become completely exposed. The Professor says, it is time to exit. At that moment there is a tremendous flash of light coming from beneath the door of the Executive Lounge. Timmy says, We are withdrawing. Come on Sarah, let’s get out of here. As they retreat down the hallway, crashes of thunder come from within the lounge and a booming voice explodes: Dishonest! Bonkers! Crazy! Worse than CNN! Opposition! Fake!

— Thursday, Jan. 10, 2019