CSI: American Carnage (Thursday, Feb. 14, 2019)

CSI: American Carnage (Thursday, Feb. 14, 2019)

WASHINGTON — Donald says, Rog, you got the burner? You using the burner? Rog says, Yeah. Donald says, Because with the burner, you just put it in the oven and bake it when you’re done and they won’t got a clue, you know, they’ll think it’s a cookie or something, not you. Rog says, I ain’t no cookie. Donald says, So they trapped Paulie, a serious man, a man who commands respect, an honorable man who’s only trying to protect the people who the WITCH HUNT! is going after, the WITCH HUNT!, Rog. But that’s okay. We’ll see what happens. I don’t like it. I’m not happy. I’m thinking we need to bring in Joey No Socks on this one cause it’s out of control, Rog, like more out of control than any WITCH HUNT! in the history of the country. There’ve been a lot of WITCH HUNTS!, too. Lincoln’s WITCH HUNT! was nothing compared to Trump’s. Rog says, Paulie knows what to do. Back in the old days, he was the go to guy. When we needed somebody to take out whoever needed to be took out, Paulie was the go to. He’s like nails. You can slam the nail into his hand and he doesn’t even make a face. Doesn’t flinch. Paulie’s not a flincher. Donald says, They are hammering him up onto the wall, Rog. They got him over the bed and they’re hanging him there, and I don’t like it. Then they got me and they’re hammering me up over the wall too, different wall, Rog, different wall, but we are dying up here, dying. I don’t mind. They can do what they want to me, that’s who they’re trying to get. Me. They don’t care about Paulie. He just knows a lot. But you know what? They stained him for good. He can’t never say nothing about me and nobody believes him cause the WITCH HUNT! branded him a liar. Paulie a liar! Can you believe that? Rog says, No. There has never been a more honest and straight forward man in politics and in the circle. They’re going after me, too, going right for my throat. So I’m in the safe house. They come after me and they’re gonna get a big surprise. KABOOM! That’s all she wrote. The coppers don’t know what they’ve got here. We are ready. Donald says, Paulie keeps his mouth shut and we’ll see what happens. I think good things happen to people who keep their mouths shut. Keeping your mouth shut can bring a big reward. Know what I mean? Rog says, I hear ya. This is expensive too. Paulie and the boys are putting out a lot of moolah. Donald says, the mullahs don’t have nothing to do with it, except for when I go after em. Then they’ll know what I’m talking about. Paulie and you and everybody else needs those mullahs in a bag. We’re working on it. And the Venezuelas, that guy, what’s his name, him too. The mullahs and the Venezuelas and the terrorists and thugs in the Congress. Elliott’s working on how to take the girl out. She’s got a big mouth. We got the Jews on her case. They do a good job, you know. We whistle. They bark. Hang tight, Rog. Rog says, When you gonna slam the door on these assholes? Donald says, We are looking at it. We are not happy. We’re gonna talk to Joey. Jare’s got some ideas. So we’re working on it. We’ll see. We’ll see what happens.

— Thursday, Feb. 14, 2019