CSI: American Carnage (Thursday, August 15, 2019)

CSI: American Carnage (Thursday, August 15, 2019)

Steve King rallies his base

My friends,
What is the meaning of life?
There is no wholeness without the threat of body part removal
There is no sanctity without the devil’s breath
What is life without the prospect of death?
There is no giving without taking
Why are there Muslims if not to dance on?
Why are there Muslims?
Why are there switchblades if not for playgrounds?
Why are there veins if not to show blood the way?
What is the purpose of a penis if not to penetrate at all times?
Why are there women if not for adaptive reuse?
Black is not black without white
Why are there prisons if not for blacks?
Why are there blacks if not for whites?
Why is there darkness if not to hide?
There is no freedom without slavery
There is no freedom without imprisonment
There is no nation without the prospect of invasion
There is no incest without women
There is no rape without rules
There are no cobs without kernels
There is no Iowa without corn
