CSI: American Carnage (Sunday, October 20, 2019)

CSI: American Carnage (Sunday, October 20, 2019)

BETHESDA – Julia and Stephen are having dinner in a small greasy spoon on the outskirts of Bethesda. Julia says, So the Kurds are known rapists with very low intelligence ratios and the president is quite right to invite Erdogan in to finish them off. Stephen says, Well that’s not exactly what happened. He didn’t invite them in. They were talking on the phone, absolutely, talking and Tay Tay, as the president calls him, Tay Tay says, Why you got those thousands of US troops on my border? Why you need them? Don’t you have some other border issues? What about those? We don’t need those US troops on our border. The president is in the LBJ bathroom, okay – we’re all listening, Mick and Mike and everybody, I don’t think Rick was there, and maybe not Wilbur, but Lou, Sean, Anatoly, of course, was on speaker — and the president puts the telephone down on the sink,  gets up and he bends over, but he can’t bend over too much because he’s stiff from the golf, he bends over and Mick starts to say something, and the president tells him to shush. Julia listens with great interest. Stephen continues, It’s quiet in there, this is in the residence, in the bathroom, as I said, and the president bends way over and cocks his ear. And we can hear Erdogan shouting, Why you need those troops? Why you need them? Get them out. And the president straightens up and grabs the phone and again and says, Okay, well, you know what? It’s yours. I’m leaving. But don’t do anything. And Tay Tay says, Okay. Good. That’s how it happened. The president said what he was going to do. And then he did it. Promises made. Promises kept. Leadership. That’s what it’s called. Absolutely. Julia says, Beautiful. Excellent story. He listened to his gut. Stephen says, Absolutely. Julia says, But we still have these Deep State defenders of the Kurds. We don’t want them here. We can’t have them here. Stephen says, Oh, they’re not coming here. I’m advising the president that we are well over the limit for Kurdish refugees and they are harboring ISIS infiltrators. They will bring ISIS with them. Julia says, Yes. They have already set the ISIS fighters free and they’ve been passing out plane tickets. This is  the worst of the worst. Our intelligence shows that there was a clearly defined plan to release these deadly fighters and send them to the United States. You cannot allow that. It’s what the Deep State is pushing for. First the drugs and now this. Look, if you do, you have to coordinate with Bannon who will tell you how to deploy these ISIS fighters once they’ve arrived. They will be grateful. And they will be useful. It’s a win-win. Do not forget. You have pledged, to me, America First. Stephen looks directly into Julia’s eyes. He says, America First. She sighs. He says, America First. America First. Julia flushes. She says, No. No. Not here. Not now. No. Stephen ignores her. America First. American First. America First. Yes, she says, yes yes yes yes yes. – Sunday, October 20, 2019

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