CSI: American Carnage (Sunday, June 30, 2019)
SOMEWHERE NEAR THE HERMIT KINGDOM – Nobody’s done this before, Stevie, Donald says. Nobody’s ever set foot in the north. Nobody. Stephen says, No, only you, only you could take the step. Donald says, But you think they will give me credit for it? Do you think this will be seen for the tremendous step that it is? A great step? A big step? Nobody has ever taken such a step. Nobody. It takes Donald J. Trump to do it, Chairman Kim knows it. He does, and he, we took the step together. Holding hands. Holding hands. He’s a beautiful man and a true friend of some people. That’s all it is, Stevie, a continuation of a great relationship, which is a good thing, not a bad thing, a good thing. Stephen says, It’s a great step and a good thing. Donald says, Nobody should be surprised. I get along with a lot of people. I have a tremendous relationship with President Xi. Nobody else would have the deal that we have. We’re getting tens of billions of dollars from China coming in. A lot of things are happening. I have a tremendous relationship with the Chairman. He’s got such a great location. Such potential. The Chairman understands. You know, I knew Frank Sinatra too. Great guy. A lot of people. From the different walks. Did you see those Fake News™ when we took the left and headed for the TMZ? You see that? Nobody got it. Chairman Kim gets it. He was there. But all the Fake News™ wants to talk about is LA. And Russia. Russia. Russia. Isn’t it crazy? Okay, Jimmy Carter — look, he was a nice man. He was a terrible President. He’s a Democrat. He’s loyal to the Democrats, and I guess you should be. But as everybody now understands, I won not because of Russia, not because of Hillary Clinton, not because of anybody but myself. I went out — I campaigned better, smarter, harder than Hillary Clinton. I went to Wisconsin. I went to Michigan the night of the vote. I had 32,000 people at 1 o’clock in the morning on Election Day. I won Michigan. I won Wisconsin. I won Pennsylvania. I won states that traditionally haven’t been won by a Republican. And all they want to talk about is LA and San Francisco. Oooo, Mr. President, what about the western liberals? What about the western liberal Democrats in LA? It’s really incredible. I won California except for the illegals voting. They say more than a million – totally illegal. And that’s California, where I’m very embarrassed by what I see in some of the cities – in San Francisco and a couple of other cities which are run by an extraordinary group of liberal people — I don’t know what they’re thinking. The politicians are either afraid to do something about it, or they think it’s votes, or — I don’t know what. I don’t know what they’re thinking. But when you look at Los Angeles, when you look at San Francisco, when you look at some of the other cities — Palm Springs, very over rated, many say Yorba Linda is okay — but some of the other cities, and not a lot, not a lot, but you don’t want it to spread. And, at a certain point, I think the federal government, maybe, has to get involved. We can’t let that continue to happen to our cities. – Sunday, June 30, 2019