CSI: American Carnage (Sunday, July 19, 2020)

CSI: American Carnage (Sunday, July 19, 2020)

WASHINGTON – Donald tells Bill a few important things during their meeting in the Oval Club Room. This isn’t about moving a few traffic cones, says Donald, but I’ll tell you this: Don’t move the cones unless I tell ya to move them. Those are Biden’s cones, which My People get, even my blacks, who don’t get a lot, but they understand that I am giving them more than any president in history. Do I want to say Honest Abe? Why not. Why not. Honest Abe. The Civil War, that was Honest Abe, and it was great, a great American time with the heroes. Look, Bill, Stonewall, great hero. The other one too, what’s his name. Bill says, Forrest. Donald says, Yeah. My People love him. The glorious flag, so important with the history. I know My People like the Confederate flag, and they’re not thinking about that. You can forget about slavery. Who cares about it? My blacks don’t care because there is no slavery, okay, none, none anywhere, except with China, and they only do slavery when they want which is when we tell them the trade deal is off, so we are doing well with it, and My People know that. China. We’re doing very well with China. My People know that the blacks who are pushing to tear down our beautiful history are only interested in destroying Free Speech and the Patriot constitution. But I’ll tell you Brad, they love the constitution and the history and they are not going to let that happen. Bill says, Bill. Donald says, Bill. Why do they want to destroy the Confederate flag, Bill? Bill says, Because of NASCAR? Donald says, Exactly. NASCAR and their stupid. They are destroying their ratings because my people want to fly that flag. They are proud of our great heritage and they want to fly that flag when they take their kids to school, and we are going to help them do that, okay. My People and even my blacks want their kids in their desks, in school. They are not afraid of some bullshit from Fauci. Fauci thinks he can push everybody around. But we got only 140, 150 deceased, which the testing is pushing, but we’re gonna nip that in the bud and screen all the data, and soon, Brad, very soon, I think you’re going to be surprised. I’m not going to say what it is, but you put two and two together and you come out with a big surprise which will be a good one and I want you to be on top of it whenever it comes. – July19, 2020
