CSI: American Carnage (Sunday, January 13, 2019)

CSI: American Carnage (Sunday, January 13, 2019)

Many of these workers, Jeanine, many of them, are hurting, Donald says, it’s true, they are hurting, hurting from the stolen taxes and the illegal regulation and the being jabbed by the pencils, the lazy bureaucrats who roll around in their paperwork and stink, Jeanine, stink, and the Democrat Party loves it, just like they love the crime, they love the drugs, they love the terrorists pouring over the border and straight into the Democrat cities, the New Yorks and the Detroits and especially, seriously, the Californias, because that’s where they love the thugs, Jeanine, they love them in California and related places, and they will do anything to make sure those thugs can do what they do, with the rape and the burglary, and the theft of the airplanes, that’s what happens, and trucks, they go bye bye, they just take them, so these workers come up to me and they say, We don’t want the money, we don’t want the pay, we don’t want to sell our souls to the Mexican drug lords, and then they shake my hand, shake it, Jeanine, and say, Do what you have to do, Sir, like this old border patrol guy I met down at the border, patrolling the border, and he grabbed me, and I told him the whole country is rooting for him, the whole country appreciates how much he’s done, and this old guy says, he has lost car and lost his home because he can’t make the payments, and he’s sleeping on the street in rags, no food, no food, and he grabs my hand and he shakes it, and you know what a germophobe I am, but I let him grab it, and he says, Sir, I want to thank you, thank you for all of us here, who are coming in, every day, 24/7, in the snow and with the floods, the wet, the cold, we are here, protecting our people, protecting our country, and no matter what is taken away from us, no matter how much the Democrat Party wants to kick us and back the drug lords, we are with you, Sir, all the way, and Jeanine, he says to me he says, We will stay out as long as it takes to give you what you need, Sir, we want you to force the Failing New York Times to tell the truth about the stolen emails and the lying Jim Comey, and the beautiful Lisa Page and her lover Peter Strzok, and Crooked Hillary, she’s is disgusting, what a criminal, so that is why we are here, we are here for you, Sir, to help you in your battle with the Amazon Washington Post and their lies, and the Fake News™ CNN and their lies, and the New York Fucking Times, and their lies, and I’m sorry to use that word Jeanine, but I want to be accurate, I want to tell you exactly what he said, because, as you know, as many people know, most people, I am accurate, which is all a president has, he has his accuracy and that is why I am here because my people know what they want to hear and I am here to deliver it right to them, right to the gut, my gut to their gut, a lifeline Jeanine, which is what our great country needs, and I am here to tie it to a tree and throw it.

— Sunday, Jan. 13, 2019)
