CSI: American Carnage (Sunday, August 11, 2019)

CSI: American Carnage (Sunday, August 11, 2019)

WASHINGTON – You see, Stevie, it’s really fucking simple. This is a country of morons. They’ll believe everything they’re told, okay, and even if they don’t, enough of em do so that the ones who don’t wonder if maybe they should and then you just pound the hell out of all of em, just keep pounding, pounding, and eventually they come around, it couldn’t be simpler, and that’s the point, trust me, I know this, and some very smart people know it too, that once you pound em into shape, then all you gotta do is drop a little reminder for em and it all comes flooding back for em, like a match on a oil slick, that’s what it is, so you know, to reiterate and you just pound, you know,  I didn’t say Clinton knocked him off, I just retweeted it, which doesn’t mean that you believe it, by the way, just because you forward on somebody else’s tweet, it just shows that’s what I’m all about, Stevie, completely for the circulation of ideas, which nobody gets, not the Mooch or the Fake News™, which doesn’t know anything about me, but you gotta be smart about it, which is easy for me, you gotta be smart, so I didn’t say Clinton knocked him off, I didn’t say that, some black guy said it, and if anybody believes it, you just say, it’s the black guy that said it, but it’s interesting, you know, an interesting theory, which people can discuss, like where is Lincoln’s body, you know, which we will never know because they dipped the corpse in cement, which most people don’t know and encased it in a big rock, like after they tried to steal the body, or what about Ted Cruz, you know about him, which I brought up, or Obama, who many say is not Obama, so they can yell all they want, but the people, once they know the facts, which I give em, I let them in on what’s really going on, once that happens, it’s all over, because it’s the pounding, Stevie, the pounding, all the time, until they are completely soft like piles of dust and then you just sweep them up and throw them away, if you want, which we do not want because, Stevie, we are gonna use them in 2020, use them like they’ve never been used before, and I can tell you now, this is just the beginning. – Sunday, August 11, 2019