CSI: American Carnage (September 9, 2020)

CSI: American Carnage (September 9, 2020)

Media rally, Winston-Salem NC, September 8, 2020 (excerpts)

You don’t have a thing to worry about. If our foreign adversaries were devising a scheme to cripple America, they could hardly do better than the Biden Kamala Harris. Kamala. Remember? Kamala. She started at 15. She was supposed to win. Problem was she went from 15 to 14 to 12 to 10 to seven to four. It’s like a free fall. You know why? People don’t like her. Nobody likes her. She could never be the first woman president. She could never be. That would be an insult to our country. Biden wants to impose a $4 trillion tax hike. A ban on American energy, eliminate America’s borders, confiscate your guns. He wants to get rid of your Second Amendment. We’re going to be appointing very pro-crime judges. But they want to destroy your suburbs….

We launched the largest national mobilization since World War 2. We’re delivering life-saving therapies, and we have achieved some of the great numbers. The case fatality rates. We have the lowest of any major country in the world. People don’t know that because the fake news doesn’t want to write about it. Under Operation Warp Speed, we’re producing a vaccine in record time. There’s a vaccine that we’re gonna have very soon, very, very soon, by the end of the year, but much sooner than that, perhaps. And this is something that’s incredible. This would have taken two or three years by the last administration — and in all fairness, by most other administrations. We have upped it to a level that nobody even believes is possible, and totally safe, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris rated the most liberal, are undermining science and risking countless lives with their reckless anti vaccine rhetoric. That’s what they’re talking about. So now. they know we have it. It’s only a question of weeks or a small amount of time. So, instead of saying that’s a great thing, we’re going to save lives, they’re trying to disparage it. They’re trying to make it politics. They’re trying to do so, and now what’s going to happen is we’ll have it and people won’t want to take it. That’s really bad. Ok, that’s really bad. But the Biden Harris effort to spread anti-vaccine conspiracy theories  only because they know we’re close to putting it out, getting it out, and we’re going to get it out fast. The vaccine will be safe. These are the greatest companies in the world that do this, the greatest labs, the greatest actors. It’ll be effective and it’ll be delivered before the end of the year, and maybe, as I said, much sooner than that. Joe Biden’s plan to impose a blanket shut down, would collapse our economy and cause countless deaths from suicide, drugs, alcohol abuse, heart disease and much more. And that’s what you’re in right now. You’re in a shutdown. It’s crazy. I’ve been to many states, and not in shutdowns, and they’re doing better, they’re doing better. Somebody has got to speak to this man, Dan. Maybe you got to talk to him Dan. Go in a little early and say you don’t know what the hell you’re doing . You don’t know what you’re doing,..
