CSI: American Carnage (Saturday, May 11, 2019)

CSI: American Carnage (Saturday, May 11, 2019)

WASHINGTON – Stephen looks Ben right in the eye across the conference table and says, Just evict them, that’s what you do. They haven’t got papers, evict them. Get your security and use it. The president’s father did that with the welfare and the welfare queens. All of his blacks. And you know the president doesn’t pussyfoot with illegals. So let’s get going here. I have the president’s complete support. Ben leans back in his chair, clasps his hands across his chest, closes his eyes, and says, We are only going to take care of legitimate American citizens, the ones not with the welfare. One of the major things I learned when I had my knife at the throat of that Detroit grandmother was to always have your papers. She had her papers. So I could beat her on the head, but I couldn’t kill her because they go after you and if she had her papers, I could have faced some repercussions there. So I didn’t kill her. Papers are serious business.  Look, we have a long list of people we can only serve – right now one in four of the people who are looking for assistance from the government. So obviously we want to get those people taken care of. And we also want to abide by the laws. If you kick out a bunch of people who don’t have the proper documentation and invoices, then, obviously, you’re gonna have fewer people you are going to serve, and that ratio goes from one in four to one in five, then one in six, one in 20, 30, 100, and so on. Particularly the kids, the thugs of color, and other Leporidae. Ok. They’re not really hares, but you understand the connection. And of course the cost savings are very attractive. Now you want the exact figures, I don’t have them, I didn’t think to bring them. But I can tell you that the president is thoroughly behind what it is we are trying to do, which has never been done, and that appeals to him, uniquewise. Stephen says, The president believes, and I know he believes because we were just discussing it during the midmorning break upstairs, he believes that these people, all of them, need to get the hell out of here. He wants them out. Now. Ben opens his eyes and looks at Stephen. The president told me just as I opened the door to get into this room, so that was maybe three minutes ago, the president told me, Great job, great job, and he said that Jared was headed for Iraq to study housing policy and to make a few stops around the region. You need anything? – Sunday, May 11, 2019
