CSI: American Carnage (Sat., Oct. 13, 2018)

CSI: American Carnage (Sat., Oct. 13, 2018)

Charlotte, NC. Mark tells Karen that the country has entered the slough of moral decay. Karen, fresh off the plane to Charlotte, says, Don’t we know it. Father has been complaining about this to the president constantly. Just last night he was telling the president, Mr. President, he said, we have entered a slough of moral decay. Mark, who is running for Congress in North Carolina’s Ninth District, is pleased with what he hears. He says, Praise the lord. We have watched in one generation where homosexuality was once criminalized to now we see the criminalization of Christianity. Karen says, Father tells me the same thing, Pastor Mark. Mark says, Do you think the president could invite Watchmen on the Wall to the White House? We have vowed to protect him from the laying on of inappropriate hands. The homosexual agenda is being pushed at all times by the homosexualists. I declare to you that we are a nation which is spiritually out of balance in every way. In one generation you and I have witnessed this country sliding from a nation who once shared a moral vision based on the Judeo-Christian ethic to a nation floundering in moral decay. In one generation we have watched our nation who once believed in lifelong marriages to the same spouse to a divorce rate now well over 50 percent. Karen says, Father is a firm believer in the Watchmen. And you should know, I told Activist Mommy, who interviewed me for her wonderful show on the internet, she interviewed me and asked me about the babies, and I told her, I said, Mommy, I am here to save the babies. Show me the babies and I will save them. And Mommy told me that Pastor Mark stands for the values and principles that made our nation great. And Mommy told me that Christians have an obligation to Christ, and that she believes, and I firmly believe, and Father believes, and President Trump believes that God is doing a new thing in this nation, and that he’s raising up godly men and women to serve in office, men and women, not of the Democrat party, but others, the godly, and you have answered the call. President Trump told Father that it is a God mission that we are on, the sanctity of human life, the value of biblical traditional marriage, and parental rights. As constitutionalists, and I can say that blessed Brett Kavanaugh is firmly behind this, very firmly, we believe that spanking is appropriate, spanking on the bare bottom – whether it’s at home or in school or on the playground or at the spa. Our pastor says that the glory of the president and what the president has done for this nation is to make spanking respectable again. Father says the same thing. Father says that when you have naughty women and unruly children who have been raised with ungodly ideas, sometimes spanking is what is needed. There should be a special spanking room and special spanking attire and attachments. Our pastor told me the same in our last visit to Las Vegas. Mark says, You are here in our blessed state. But you are a loving wife of our beloved vice president, you are not here because it is a job, which would not be a healthy pursuit for society. Karen says, No, no, Pastor Mark. This is not a job, it is a wifely duty to Father, who I submit to, the way Jesus submitted to his father, who was himself, of course, if you know what I mean. Mark says, Good, good. You must submit, you must prepare meals, you must sew on buttons, you must keep your home tidy, and other things. These are what god expects of a woman. That, and making important campaign stops and contributions. Shall we go, the van is waiting.

—Sat. Oct. 13, 2018