CSI: American Carnage Presents QTips (July 10, 2021)

CSI: American Carnage Presents QTips (July 10, 2021)

CSI: American Carnage presents the latest edition of QTips, the newsletter of the Truth for Real Americans.

Mark the date Qsters, August 13. You know what we’re talking about. August 13, the Day of the Re-Assumption, the day our Beloved President, the greatest president in the history of the United States of America, will return, ousting the Pretender and the forces of the Pretender. Insider Mike Lindell assures us that all that’s necessary is to “get this election pulled down.” Mike tells us, “Let’s right the right. Let’s get these communists out that have taken over and then you’ll see. Trump won. I mean it’s pretty simple.” The mechanism is simple, folks. Supremely simple. First off, Nancy Pelosi has got to go, and our friends in the Congressional Black Caucus, so tired of being played by their slave-masters in the Democrat Party, are going to come over to 45 and vote with us to oust the Corrupt and Lawless Pelosi and bring in a “trusted conservative” who will then vacate the seat, allowing the True Party to elect 45 Speaker of the House. After that it will be smooth sailing. Biden and Harris will be impeached for their communistic corruption and their coverup of suppressed results of investigations into election racketeering. Citizen Trump, now Speaker of the House, will preside over the trial of the imposters Biden and Harris, and then will step in as President upon their conviction and removal from office. All of the actions during their stolen months as Pretenders will be rendered null and void. On 8/13, 45 is 47. And remember those numbers, when added, become 123, not the number 123, but the date, Dec. 3. That is the exact date that marks the day before our Beloved President’s 104th Day After Re-Assumption when a miraculous event will occur involving Law Enforcement, Space Force, and the Incarceration of All Corrupt Election Felons. Mark it on your calendars.

QBits. MTG, our fearless warrior, was out on the trail this week, talking common sense to our Seniors and warning them about the duplicity of Biden and his gang of Pretenders. Don’t be fooled into taking the deadly vaccines! MTG warned the elderly crowd. She says her We Will Not Comply bill is the answer for Seniors fighting off Biden’s doctors and health workers prowling the streets like MS13. “It gives you permission to tell Biden’s little posse that’s gonna show up at your door, you know, that intimidate you — they probably work for Antifa by night, and then they come and intimidate you to take the vaccine by day — Well, you get to tell them to get the hell off of your lawn.” Give em heck Margie! Save our Seniors! Rep. Mary Miller, God love her, pointed out to the Seniors and others gathered at the Thelma Keller Convention Center in Effingham, Ill., that she’s just a simple Grandma who believes in “faith, family, freedom, economic opportunities and private property ownership” but not the Democrat embrace of the racist critical race theory and its racist attitude and efforts to steal the children. “Hitler was right on one thing,” Miller said. “He said, ‘Whoever has the youth has the future.’” Amen, amen, Mary! WWGOWGA. July 10, 2021

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