CSI: American Carnage (Nov. 14, 2020)

CSI: American Carnage (Nov. 14, 2020)

“Under the president’s bold leadership, the nation is well on its way to achieving broad immunity.”

CSI: American Carnage has obtained a portion of a post-election White House planning document. The Editors, after much debate, have determined to publish the material, despite its truncated nature and the refusal of the administration to identify the agency that produced it.

Memo: Planning the Way Forward. Eyes Only

In the wake of the calamitous and illegal 2020 presidential election, we must turn our attention in this great country toward the obvious correlation between the spread of disease and want and the opposition to the president’s efforts to manage the affairs of the nation. Under the president’s bold leadership, the nation is well on its way to achieving broad immunity. The virus is raging out of control, as expected, and the numbers of deaths in the Northeast, on the West Coast, and in metropolitan areas of the Middle West are on the rise. Similarly, areas in the Southeast, including Florida and Texas, those areas with large numbers of African Americans, are experiencing explosive rates of increased mortality. The president’s leadership, which has properly focused on withdrawal of federal effort, is bearing fruit at last. Death rates are spiking in, for example, Chicago, where large numbers of Black citizens are dying and hospitals are overflowing, as planned. The deployment of mobile morgue units in urban areas around the country has taken care of the body overflow quite nicely. So far, rising fatalities in those centers for senior care in suburban collar counties have been obscured and concealed where necessary. In other words, the spread is proceeding as predicted in the earlier planning documents, and it is proceeding most relentlessly in those target areas where there is greatest resistance to the president’s plans. By way of example, in Florida, where the senior demographic has been split, state officials have arranged to allow enhanced contagion in those elder care facilities where opposition to messaging has been most pronounced. The effectiveness of the plan can be gauged by the fall off in public complaint. State officials have favored those areas calling for removal of all constraints in the name of freedom, which dovetails nicely with the president’s well-known calls for the same. This has led to some increase in mortality rates in those areas, but a far greater rate has been achieved in areas where public services demand public presence. They must leave their places of refuge for feeding purposes, by way of example, so, therefore, by imposing quotas and restrictions on purchases, the target populations are “flushed out,” as it were, directly into spreading sectors. In areas of the Northeast, where the president has been contradicted by low-level government functionaries, the rising tide of disease and death has at last forced a change in local public policy. They are now moving toward another lockdown in their efforts to elude the ubiquitous virus. Our calculations suggest that within, at most, 14 days, those economies will collapse and followers of the president will seize control of public messaging. The 14-day period will conclude well before December 14, the date when states must formally certify their election results before and the Electoral College members must to cast their votes for president.

Turning our attention to the Rogue states in the Northeast and along the West Coast, the mobile detention facilities are…..
