CSI: American Carnage (Nov. 11, 2020)

CSI: American Carnage (Nov. 11, 2020)

“He loves the chaos. He will destroy what he thinks he should have but cannot grasp.”

ELYRIA OH – A man and a woman are sitting on straightback chairs in the shabby living room of the safe house off Russia Road. The Professor looks down at them. He says, It’s over. Don’t you know it’s over? The woman snorts and spits on the floor. She says nothing. The man says, It’s not over till its over. Tell it to the Chinese. That’s where all the ballots came from. You think we’re stupid? Master says you’ll try anything. Little Timmy, pup reporter, says, Sheesh. There are no ballots from China, Ok. There is no Hammer supercomputer siphoning votes from Trump and depositing them on Biden. The woman curls her lip. She says, You think we’re stupid. You think we’ll just let the Jews and the blacks walk off with all our gold? Mohammed, Timmy’s friend, says, That is an outrage! That is an outrageous thing to say! The woman spits again. She says, It is what it is, raghead. Mohammed stares at her in astonishment. Boris, genial triple agent, brandishes his service revolver. Thees ees what eet ees, too, he says, leveling the pistol at the two captives. The man says Fuck off, moron. We already took out a brigade of Rooskie bots trying to fill the water tower with cheap Rooskie firewater. The Professor, alarmed, grabs Boris and pushes his hand away as a shot rings out. The bullet embeds harmlessly in a fluffy couch pillow. Feathers explode everywhere. The room erupts in tumult. After a moment, Sarah shouts, This is standard for the autocrat. The strike force turns to her. She says, He loves the chaos. He will destroy what he thinks he should have but cannot grasp. If he obtains it, he will transform it into something viscous and awful. The man says, It is all the Master’s. All. None of it is yours. Everything from the fat spiders to the hungry bats and marching bots. He has gathered it all and has promised us he will deliver it. He is unimaginably rich! He is incredibly powerful! There is no way some tired old man in a basement could defeat him. Your tricks are worthless. Peddle them elsewhere. Timmy says, This is exactly what the shrinks predicted. These people are infected with a sickness and the autocrat is Patient Zero. Sarah says, Yes, some perhaps. But the bulk? They were infected long before the time of the autocrat. This sickness runs deep in the land. It is a sickness of greed – for power, for wealth, for comfort, for acquisition. A sickness that tortures a soul for showing acts of kindness. A sickness that grows from a deadly corrosive racism, oh yes, a racism that has burned through the people and used them to stoke the power of this country from its earliest beginnings. The autocrat cares nothing for these people. He will chew them up and spit them out. He will eat his own children. The woman says, Children? Tell us about children. You’ve been poisoning the minds of the kids for decades. You are monsters. Monsters from the id. I spit on you and your godless lives. Mohammed says, Sheesh. This is deep. Sarah says, If we are to defeat the autocrat’s coup, we cannot talk about the Hammers and the Chinese watermarks and other illusions he conjures up to stir his chaos. We need to move forward and put right what he has almost destroyed. Root out the virus, get the economy up and moving, find the children he has stolen. The man says, Haven’t you destroyed enough children already? You and the Clintons and Podesta? You are Monsters! Sarah says to the strike force members, There are millions infected like this all across the land. Timmy says, So that’s America?