CSI: American Carnage (Monday, Oct. 15, 2018)

CSI: American Carnage (Monday, Oct. 15, 2018)

Washington. Look, Donald says to Lesley, I saw Hillary Clinton made a really nasty statement. I don’t think they wanna be healed. I do wanna heal. Lesley says, I’m not talking about Democrat– I’m talking about the country. You go out and you go to Mississippi. And you mimicked Professor Blasey Ford. You mimicked her. Donald says, Had I not made that speech, we would not have won. I was just saying she didn’t seem to know anything. Lesley says something no one can understand. Donald says, And you’re trying to destroy a life of a man who has been extraordinary. Lesley says, Why did you have to make fun of her? Donald is taken aback. He says, I didn’t really make fun of her. Lesley says, They were laughing. Donald says, What I said the person that we’re talking about didn’t know the year, the time, the place. Lesley says, Professor Blasey Ford got before the Senate and– and was asked what’s the worst moment. And she said, “When the two boys laughed at me, at my expense.” Donald shrugs. He says, Ok, fine. Lesley says, And then I watched you mimic her and thousands of people were laughing at her. Donald starts off down one road and changes direction; he says, They can do what they– I– I will tell you this. The way now Justice Kavanaugh was treated has become a big factor in the midterms. Have you seen what’s gone on with the polls? Lesley says, But did you have to, Donald says, Well, I think she was treated with great respect, I’ll– I’ll… Lesley says, And– but—Donald says, … be honest with you. Lesley says, But do you think—you treated her with—Donald says, There are those that think she shouldn’t have—Lesley says, Do you think you treated her with respect? Donald says, I think so, yeah. I did. Lesley says But you seem to be saying that she lied. Donald says, You know what? I’m not gonna get into it because we won. It doesn’t matter. We won.

—Monday, Oct. 15, 2018