CSI: American Carnage (Monday, June 15, 2020)

CSI: American Carnage (Monday, June 15, 2020)

Silence blossoms within the vaulted cathedral as multitudes of cowled heads bow, deep in reverence. The dean gazes through gloom at the lowered heads. The smell of cooking Sudafed, burning on the offering trays, fills the lofty space with the fragrance of cat urine. The dean says, Let us pray.

Dear Friends, for three nights the town burned. For three nights the Beast raged and the people cowered. For three nights the locusts swarmed and the smoke lay thick across the land.

He raises his eyes toward heaven. What did they need in Minneapolis to bring the people back from depths of hell?

The National Guard.

What did the National Guard do?

Fixed it easily.

How did it happen?

Like a knife through butter.

And what transpired?

A miracle.

Let us pray.

What did the people see?

A beautiful scene.

What did the people see?

A sad scene.

What did it sound like?


What did it smell like?


My friends, by the end of that evening — and it was a short evening — everything was fine and you didn’t hear too much about that location having problems anymore; they went to other locations.

There is now the location of Seattle where the howls of the Beast fill the air and anarchy reigns throughout the city. What is Seattle?

A disgrace.

Who has created this disgrace?

The radical left governor and the clueless mayor.

How can the problem be solved?

It can be easily solved.

How would it be solved?

Common sense.

What will it take?

A knife and butter.

What will it take?

Law and order.

Who will take charge?

We will take charge.

Let us pray.

What is the goal?

A beautiful thing.

How can we achieve it?


What is a beautiful thing?

Death is a beautiful thing. It is terrible and it is beautiful.

What is a beautiful thing?

A chokehold is a beautiful thing. It is terrible and it is beautiful.

What is a beautiful thing?

Our warriors.

And what are they doing?

They’re running into death like our soldiers.

And who is a warrior?

We are all warriors.

Let us pray.
