CSI: American Carnage (Monday, July 27, 2020)
PORTLAND – The Great Ship of Black Eternity is docked at a river pier. Its millions of passengers, many on board for 400 years and more, bear witness to the sprawl of Portland, Oregon, the latest stop in the historic voyage of truth and redemption. The passengers are silent and the ship rides low in the water from the weight of the history it bears. Little Timmy, pup reporter, and the Professor’s small strike force and their allies look on from a vantage point across the Willamette River. It is night. Swirls of tear gas rise to the west, gathering above the grey stone buildings in dreary clouds. The anxious scene is punctuated by the pok-pok-pok of pepper balls and flash bangs, and many women, wearing yellow tee shirts and bicycle helmets, have made their way to the riverside. They splash cooling water on their faces and then rise up, helped by some US military veterans, NAVY, ARMY, MARINES stenciled on their vests. They turn away from the river and make their way back toward the clouds of tear gas, the piercing lights and booms, and the pok-pok-pok of pepper balls. Boris, genial triple agent, watches the scene and says, Eet ees Moscow nine years ago. Poohteen blame Hillary. Sarah, Timmy’s friend from the resistance pot luck, says, Yes. Putin blamed Clinton for the massive protests over rigging of the vote in 2011. The Autocrat does the same with Obama … A great boom startles the strike force and they fall to the ground. The sky lights up and a massive tweet flares down all around the city, streaming its message, The ‘protesters’ are actually anarchists who hate our Country. The line of innocent ‘mothers’ were a scam that Lamestream refuses to acknowledge, just like they don’t report the violence of these demonstrations! Across the river, buglike troopers fire streams of pepper spray at the women, knocking them down. The vets seek to drag them to safety. The troopers entrap their prey, like spiders, and continue to douse them with noxious spray. The strike force watches in horror. Bill the Cadaver, a victim of disease and a passenger on the Great Ship, says, We have seen this before. We’ve seen it for centuries. Sarah says, Yes, that is true. The only difference now is that it is directed against people of all colors and religions by the Autocrat. He deploys a standard tactic. Boris says, It is Poohteen tactic. He blame Clinton for agitating Ukrainian revolutionaries and supporters in Moscva and the Mother Country. Then they start shutting down the press. Sarah says, Putin was a beneficiary of the unrest. In this case, the Autocrat is fomenting the violence and then crushing it in the name of law and order. He is seeking to discredit the election process and the press, whereas Putin was seeking to paper over the fraud. It is a distinction without a difference. The Autocrat, like all autocrats, will do whatever it takes. He knows no rules. He believes nothing but for his own benefit. And he will waste and destroy everything he touches to achieve that benefit. The Professor says, I fear this is beyond our small ability to control. We can do nothing to prevent the deaths. He hangs his head. Bill the Cadaver says, You are completely mistaken, white man. He points to the Great Ship of Black Eternity silent in the water. Bill says, 400 hundred years and millions of lives. Enough is enough. — July 27, 2020