CSI: American Carnage (Monday, February 24, 2020)

CSI: American Carnage (Monday, February 24, 2020)

ARLINGTON VA – Okay, we got the lists? asks Ginni. Clarence shrugs and says nothing. Ginni says, Hey, Mike, get those lists. Have you got the truck? Mike says, Oh yeah. Ginni says, Well bring her around, we’ve got to get those lists to the White House. They’re waiting in the loading dock. Mike says, Alright, she’s coming around now. A tractor-trailer pulls up outside and the guys with the hand trucks begin to load the boxes. Ginni says, You think it’ll all fit? Mike says, Oh yeah. Ginni says, I don’t know. You got the lists of Never Trumpers. The lists of the Mueller supporters. You got the lists of the EPA and the DOJ. State. She watches the laborers push the hand-trucks under the watchful eye of mustachioed men on horseback. Ginni says, What else? Nat Secutiry, Intel. We’ve got the teachers, too, the ones who want a living wage. We’ve got the criminals in California, and the rest of California, just to make sure. We’ve got the House and staff, Democrat staff, Senate, up and down the line, but that’s a smaller one. See that stack with red skull and bones Sharpied on? That’s the Romney stack. Then the rest with the fish skeletons?  That’s a lot of Utah. Beads of sweat roll down the faces of the crews of men pushing the hand trucks. The boxes are stacked high. They push them up the ramp at the back of the truck and deep into its belly. Ginni says, We got the immigrant gangs, the ones on the rampages like the cats crossing the border with the drugs strapped on. We’ve got the other ones, too. We’ve got the Parkland and active shooter hysterics. We’ve got the wind nuts, the bird nuts, the graveyard nuts. We’ve got the Amtrak backers, the coronavirus enablers, the pilots, the cruise ship terrorists, old China hands. We’ve got all the Obama people, they’re a lot of them. We got Hillary and the people pushing the vaxes. We’ve got the teenagers with the weird so-called auto-immune and the autism. We got the wire-tappers and the would-be wire-tappers. We’ve got the people with the cell phones with video. We’ve got the vegetarians, the trail-mix cowboys. Hey Clarence, I miss any? Clarence thinks. He says, The blacks who aren’t his blacks, the Latinos outside of Florida. The women who aren’t his women. Ginni says, Yes, yes. But you know, Clarence, there really aren’t many of them. – Monday, February 24, 2020

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