CSI: American Carnage (Friday, October 4, 2019)
HEAD OF THE HARBOR NY – The Urine Collector stares from the enormous window in his study, a white cat in his arms. The fog rolls off the Sound into Smithtown Bay, enveloping yachts and dinghies and wrapping itself around the Collector’s lair. The cat struggles, digging its claws into the Collector’s chest. The Collector looks down in silence as blood spreads across his pressed white shirt. He lets the cat down. It hisses. Steve is lying on a floral-patterned chaise at the far end of the room. He says, It’s getting ripe. The day of reckoning is coming. Rudy called and told Peter he has them where he wants them. Trump’s just gotta hold to give it time to ripen. The Urine Collector looks back out the window as the fog thickens. Steve gets up, zips his cargo shorts and grabs a beer. He returns to the chaise and says, It’s coming to a head, I tell you. Gafney’s got the big stuff, the Bidens’ support for the raghead terrorist cabal, the payments, Hunter’s Iranian slush fund, and the rest. Once Peter gets that, he’ll inject it. The Times, the Post, the Journal will have to deal with it. Once they do, we will be golden, every vein in the system will be radioactive, Trump will be on his way, the state will glow, crystallize, and shatter and we will be completely in control. Daddy! a woman whines as she enters the room. Her eyes are dripping black ink and her lips are a crimson smudge. Daddy! The damn Ukraines are not playing ball! Steve, I thought you had what’s his name in your pocket! What am I paying for here? I pay good money to you and what’s his name, Schweizer… Steve says, Peter. Bekah says, Whatever. I pay the money and all I get is a gaggle of Ukraines saying ridiculous things, like, they don’t want to get caught up in US domestic politics. What is wrong with these people? Of course they do! Of course they do! I told Trump to bitch about it, Daddy! The Urine Collector stares out the window at the gathering fog. Steve says, Look, this isn’t fucking bean bag. Deep State operatives, CIA, FBI, NSC, Michelle Goldberg, and the other mouthpieces, Schmidt, the burger guy, the rest of their sorry asses — they are gonna come after Trump. They are gonna block Ukraine. We’ve talked about this endlessly. Trump needs to just keep it hard until Xi comes around. Bekah says, And get Rudy to keep his damn mouth shut. He doesn’t have to say to the Journal that Trump fired the ambassador because she wouldn’t take out the Bidens. Steve scratches his nose and sniffs. He says, Rudy’s just protecting himself. He doesn’t want to take the fall. Anybody can see that. Bekah says, Daddy! Can you do something about this stupid stuff! Make Rudy shut up! Make Trump shut up! Steve says, You don’t know what the fuck you are talking about! This plan is ripening. This plan is moving forward. This plan is the last plan, the big plan, the plan that will take it all down! We are on the verge. We are on the cusp. This is the big show. The big one is here. Don’t fuck it up now. – Friday, October 4, 2019