CSI: American Carnage (Friday, July 31, 2020)

CSI: American Carnage (Friday, July 31, 2020)


Due to severe disruptions in the supply chain and the prevalence of fraudulent delays brought about by fraudsters and criminals who have hacked their way into the CSI mainframe where thousands upon thousands of servers are clustered together and are nursing in the shithole of Bezos and the rest of them, where quacks and cranks maraud in the dark alleyways behind the barns, and thugs and M13ers make life a living hell for millions of American absentee readers who if it were an honest system would not be absentee, but would proudly stand up except they’ve been conned into believing this is normal, this is the best, but it is not the best, this is what they’ve been dragged into by the lawless Democrat party and its henchmen, Crooked, Cryin, Sleepy, Dopey, who Joey No Socks and Jimmy the Brute are gonna take care of because the post office is a mess, which everybody knows, and we will clean it up, like we cleaned up the sewer in Portland, where the radical know-nothing mayor and the idiot governor are standing in the way of patriot law enforcement. Don’t be fooled! – The Editors — July 31, 2020
