CSI: American Carnage (Friday, July 24, 2020)

CSI: American Carnage (Friday, July 24, 2020)

WASHINGTON – Okay, says Sean, the president is on the line. And we are speaking to him, live. We have the tough ones you all want to ask. So let’s get right to it, the kicks and giggles are over. We are serious now. He addresses Donald: You are asking the American people for four more years. If you are given the four more years, what will this country look like, in your view, four years from now? Donald says, Thank you, Sean, for asking that. We are going to be about jobs like you haven’t seen. We are going to be respected. And we are now by other countries. They’re respecting us more than they have in many, many decades. I will tell you that. We are going to have a wall that is complete. We’re up to 257 miles on the new wall. And by the way, if we didn’t have that wall in right now, you would have numbers in Texas and in California, in New Mexico like you wouldn’t believe. Big numbers. But we built 257 miles of, it’s 450 but we are going to do about 537 miles altogether, and the 257, the 455. So we will be ready. And it will give a complete, beautiful wall on our southern border that has really helped. And the other thing is, we are going to start making our product. And I have been pushing this from before this happened. We are going to make things here. Making product and putting numbers to work, the work numbers, phenomenal. Not the off-world stuff, but the regular stuff that any suburban housewife would want. All made here, Sean. But the other thing we have done is Space Force. You know, we put it in, it’s the first time in 76 years we have a new force. We have — so important, the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and now we have the Air Force. It’s so great. We are going to build the academy, and there will be the beautiful football games, with the thousands of Space Force fans, they will be in the stadium, rooting, rooting for, I don’t know, what are they going to be? Sean says, Aliens? Donald says, No, no, not that, they are here, right here, like the Pods, some are saying, they could be the Pods. They are here. We know that because we will be doing a lot of the studying. We are studying, and it’s so important. It’s going to end up being one of — at first, I didn’t even talk about that on the campaign. This was after I got in office. I realized we need it. Because China and Russia were going to dominate space. And we can’t let that, and now we’re going to be dominating space. They’re not too happy about what we did with Air Force. And, just to put it in perspective, Sean. Cotton. There will be cotton. Our great patriot farmers. You know Sean, they say this is a land of cotton. Old times here are not forgotten. So true, until the anarchists start tearing down the great history. There is nothing like history, which we are going to have too. The cotton and the old times. That is what we will have, and the numbers. We love the numbers.