CSI: American Carnage (Friday, January 24, 2020)

CSI: American Carnage (Friday, January 24, 2020)

WASHINGTON – It is late and most of the household is asleep. Jare, Jare – over here. Donald is at the end of the corridor. Jare sees him and trots over. Donald says, Right matters – it sure does! Let’s go. They take the first set of stairs and then the second. Donald says, To get to the sub-sub-basement stairs, you gotta take this jag to the right, at least that’s what Stevie says. Jare says nothing and the two continue on down. Donald says, I’ve lost track of the levels, but when we hit bottom, we’re there. Jare says, There’s a bottom? Donald says, At any given time. Ah! Here we are. They stand before a large steel door. Donald places his hand in the center and the door rolls open. Donald says, Geez! What a smell. They enter. On either side are what seem to be human creatures in cells, bearded, covered with rags. They lunge at Donald and Jare walking down the passage between the cell rows. Filthy hands with long, sharpened nails are thrust through the bars on either side. Donald says, Stay in the center. They can’t reach you. Hey, there’s Bill. Donald and Jare hurry to the end of the corridor. Bill stands over a bucket of meat, red and bloody. Donald says, Did you get the word out? Bill says, They’ve been informed. Vote against the president and your head will be on a pike. Donald says, Good, good. Sounds like something Barron would say. He’s always got my back. Bill holds up a head, vaguely familiar, and says, We use John, or what’s left of him, if these guys want visual aids. Donald says, Okay, okay. Hey, where are the mutants? Do these cowards know that they got mutants to deal with if they fuck up the votes? We got replicants now. They think they’re gonna get Bolton, but they’re gonna get Bolton-R21x. Jare says, the Prince is happy to help in any way he can. He feels it is an outrage what’s happening. He is offering some associates who are excellent at persuasion. They have all trained in the Prince’s Wood  & Bone Shoppe Academy. Donald says, The Prince is really great. A really great prince. Bill says, You can see we are keeping the base in good shape. They’ll be ready to go when you say the word. Growls and shrieks come from behind the bars on either side of the corridor. Donald says, Let’s take a look at the mutants. They are gonna turn some heads in this town. Bill puts down his bucket of bloody meat and pulls off his rubber gloves. He says, This way. Many are so ardent they must be kept in completely isolated cells. They exit through the door and begin to walk down yet another staircase. – Friday, January 24, 2020