CSI: American Carnage (Friday, January 11, 2019)

CSI: American Carnage (Friday, January 11, 2019)

Keep him talking, Nancy, Chuck says, we need some time to get the team into place. Nancy says into the phone, So what is it, exactly, we can give you? Would you like some coffee? How about a sandwich? You must be hungry. The phone crackles. Donald says, I don’t want any fuckin sandwich. You got $5.6 billion in cash money, we can talk. Nancy says, Well, I don’t know. That’s a lot of money. Donald says, You know where to get it. Now do it, before anybody gets hurt. Nancy says, Now, don’t do anything rash. We can still talk. You’ve got a great voice. It’s very soothing. Donald says, Look, I’ve been down there. I’ve been on the ground. What I’m talking is common sense. So don’t fuck with me, okay. Don’t fuck. They need a barrier, they need a wall. If you don’t have it, it’s going to be nothing but hard work and grueling problems. And by the way, and death, and death, a lot of death. Nancy puts her hand over the phone. She says to Chuck, He’s rattled. It’s the death thing he’s talking about again. Should we bring in Dr. Phil? Chuck says, No, no. Appeal to his sense of fellow humans. Tell him to remember the children and the hostages. Nancy takes her hand off the phone and says to Donald, We can handle hard work and problems. Don’t do anything rash. Don’t do anything that can’t be undone. Donald says, Fuck you. Everything is fine. Everything is beautiful. Nancy says, How do we know? How are the hostages? Donald says, I don’t care. Most of them are Democrats, I want to stop the Shutdown as soon as we are in agreement on Strong Border Security! I am in the White House ready to go, where are the Dems? Nancy says, We’re right here. We’re right here, all around you. We surround you, everywhere. How are the hostages? We want assurances on the hostages. Don’t hurt them, just don’t hurt them. They are helpless. Donald says, I’m sure the people that are on the receiving end will make adjustments. They always do. People understand what’s going on. Many of them, many of those people agree 100% with what I’m doing. Nancy says, We want to see them. Show us a hostage. Donald says, I don’t wanna talk to some flunky pig tryin’ to calm me, man. Nancy says, Now you don’t have to call anybody names. Donald sees Chuck moving off to the left. Donald says, What are you movin’ in there for? Nancy shouts to Chuck, Will you get the fuck back there? Get back there, will ya! Donald shouts, What’s he doin? Go back there man! He wants to kill me so bad, he can taste it! Huh? Attica! Attica! Attica! Attica! Attica! Attica! Attica! Attica! Attica! Attica! Attica! Attica! Remember Attica? Nobody remembers Attica but me.

— Friday, Jan. 11, 2019