CSI: American Carnage (February 22, 2021)

CSI: American Carnage (February 22, 2021)

“Your green freezes up and then the whole state goes down.”

WASHINGTON — Thanks for having me on, Howie, Larry says. It’s great to be on because, you know, you can see how everything is falling apart as Biden promotes his leftist agenda and the people in this country suffer the consequences. It’s just, if you pardon the expression, bullshit. Excuse me. I shouldn’t have said that. Howie says, The Texas situation really exposes the whole problem. Larry says, You bet it does. You can’t rely on the solar with snow, you just can’t, and the wind – they just froze up. Your green freezes up and then the whole state goes down. It’s not helium, Howie. Not helium. It’s a scientific fact that all liquids freeze, okay. Helium is the exception that proves the rule. Texas is not helium. Wind turbines are not helium. Your solar is not helium. Howie says, So the Green New Deal is responsible for the Democrat mess in Texas? Larry takes a sip from his water cup and says, All right, let’s look at Texas. I told everybody that the Green New Deal will literally destroy the economy. It’ll knock out energy, transportation, airlines, jobs, businesses. We’ll probably lose 10 to 15% of our GDP. It’s remarkable. Texas now demonstrates what will happen with the AOC woman in charge. The American people need to put socialism on trial and convict it. Take it out to the nearest tree and string it up. Lynch it. It’s all crazy, the universal health care, the destruction of insurance, the free jobs to anybody who doesn’t want to work. We’re talking $50 trillion. And that’s just for starters, Howie. Larry takes another pull on his water. He says, Greg told me that the Green New Deal is a deadly deal for the United States of America. Shut down the wind and the solar and you kill Texas. You freeze it like a corpse in the morgue, Howie. Cadavers. You won’t have government officials anymore. We’ll all be morticians. We can’t let that happen, Howie. It’ll kill teevee. Jesus H. Christ. Larry drinks some more. He says, I think they’ve moved very rapidly toward the progressive left position on a lot of these issues, Howie. Off the charts. Biden tried to temper it with talk about unity. There was some talk about moving to the center, that there would be more balance, there wouldn’t be a far-left radical agenda. Unfortunately in the early weeks — what, we’ve got a month here — it has been a left-wing radical agenda. He’s gone after the energy sector. You saw some of the consequences in Texas. Biden has a lot to answer for with Texas. And AOC. They’re just the tip of the iceberg. We’re gonna sink right to the bottom, Howie, right to the bottom, gonna muscle out the shit-hole countries real soon. Excuse me. I shouldn’t have said that on national teevee. Howie says, It’s cable, Larry. Feb. 22, 2021