CSI: American Carnage (Dec. 21, 2020)
WASHINGTON – Donald looks around the conference table. He says, We all here? Sid? Big Mike? Lin the Magnifico? Where’s Rudy? What’s with Rudy? Mike says, He’s in the crapper. Donald says, Ok. We can’t wait. Who knows how long he’s gonna be in there? Mike says, I don’t know. Donald says, Okay. Could be an hour or two. Mike says, The last Q-Drop doesn’t leave much wiggle room. Sid says, The Chinese are on to the plan, that’s what this so-called hack was all about. Donald says, It’s well under control. Fake News™ doesn’t have a clue. Russia Russia Russia Russia. It’s a disgrace. I hear Xi is looking to go after Russia. They’re all gonna be running in circles like a Chinese fire drill with its head cut off. Roger says we have full authority. You just, you know, look at the Constitution. It’s right there in black and blue. Lin says, We might wanna round up some Chinese. Round them up and expel them. Or even better, behind the bars and then expel them. Donald says, You got the dox on Chavez? Sid says, We’ve got him dead to rights. Mike says, Q says the time to move is now. Donald says, We got some time. This guy in Alabama is so happy to be part of this patriotic effort. Lin snorts. Sid says, He’s clean. There were Chinese Communists, part of Operation Plgskin. They flushed him out before the Kennedys got involved. Donald says, He’s a happy camper. Whatever we want. Roger tells me that I’ve got the full constitutional authority to move. All I got to do is invoke this Insurrection, call in the troops, and make the arrests. Mike says, Q confirms. Donald says, We pound the ballots and bust them all, all, in rounds, circles even. You can check your books. The first 20 pages are the targets. Then there’s the mop up. Mike says, Zuckerberg? Donald says, First page, okay. We got Oprah, her buddy Obama, Hillary, this RINO Kemp, McConnell, the moron De Niro, always on the teevee, Way overrated. Biden, the black woman, what’s her name, the black guy, the dribbler, doesn’t know what he’s talking about, Bee or whatever her name is, Cuomo, all of them, every last one, and ones who might be ones in the future, and… Rudy bursts into the conference room, zipping his pants. He says, There is tremendous support for bringing these thugs and criminals to heel. And we have evidence that the Three Families are about to make a move. The Clinton, Biden, and Obama gangs have been dividing up their territories. That’s bad news, that’s criminal intent. I can smell it. Donald says, What’s that smell? Rudy says, Criminal aw breaking. Donald says, Ok. Lin says, Have you noticed in recent weeks how difficult it is to determine who you can trust? Trust NO ONE with close ties to CCP. Trust NO ONE who opposes investigation of 2020 election. Connect the dots. Donald says, Dots. Lin says, Swalwell. Donald says, Schiff. Congress. States. Camera. Teevee. Mike, looking at Sid, says, On page 232, there is reference to a section to be preserved for future use. That is language straight from the Nine Candles. Lin says, No. I don’t think so. Mike says, That’s the Q line. Q-Drop arriving. Late night. 232. Donald says, Tips. We will grab them by the pussies and cleanse everything. Mike says, The Great Cleansing. Donald says, Clean. We will wash the stains right out. Everybody on board? Heads nod. Donald says, Alright. Alright. They all rise and leave the room, Donald first.