Ask President Trump (Dec. 15, 2020)
This is BIG NEWS!
Q. Mr. President, I am Norbert King of the Bowls and ruler of all that was, and if you Sir just Say the word we will act. I am a Marine Semper Fi.
President Trump: Thank you Norn. What was is not is or wasn’t was and nor can it be with Great Patriots like yourself and all the other Great Patriots. The Server was Rigged! This is BIG NEWS. Dominion Voting Machines are a disaster all over the Country. Changed the results of a landslide election. Can’t let this happen. Thank you for the genius, bravery, and patriotism of the Judge. Should get a medal! Will NOT GIVE UP the FIGHT! This is Forensics that even a child can read. WOW. This report shows massive fraud. Election changing result! A child, but not dems. The communistic dems and their social puppets want to steal and #ENSLAVE! Only I stand against it. All Great Patriots know what to do, Nord. All of them, and you know, everybody knows. Support freedom, support Liberty, and support your beloved president, because this is not over. They will use the China Virus and try to shut everything down. But the Patriots stand tall and they stand firm and hard. Our inauguration is in just a few weeks Nordin. Semper Fie, Norm, Semper Fie! — Dec. 15, 2020