Ask Dr. Bob

Ask Dr. Bob

Dr. Bob: I want to thank all of you joining us for what promises to be a very healing experience, and I want to thank our sponsors from Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, GlazoSmithKlein, Roche, Novartis, Merck & Co., Sanofi, and, of course, AbbVie, Chlorox, and, Zep Antibacterial Disinfectant and Cleaner, the one with the lemon inside, for giving us the opportunity to bring some peace and and firm stability to those souls who have suffered through psychotic breaks, obsessive delusions, homicidal urges, and other typical problems in the workplace. We are here to help.

Our first caller is Don. Hello Don and welcome to Ask Dr. Bob. I understand you have some issues and that’s okay, that’s alright. We all have issues. Ask Dr. Bob seeks to give you the tools to live with the issues and perhaps even turn them to your advantage. Why don’t you just lay it out there for our listeners, Don.

Don: As our Country is being destroyed, both inside and out, the Presidential Election of 2020 will go down as THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY!

Dr. Bob: That’s interesting, Don. We’re angry, I think. We have some big picture ideas, and we want to insure that no one escapes punishment. Am I right? Punish them all. Am I right?  Now, Don, are you seeing this destruction in front of you  or is this something that’s, you know, playing out in your mind? It’s one thing if you see rubble in the streets and carnage everywhere, and quite another if you’re just working through different scenarios on your own in your head.

Don: The polls were a joke. I won States in a landslide that I was predicted to lose days before the election. Other states had me purposely so far down that it would force people, even fans, to say “Let’s stay home Darling. We love our President, but he can’t win.” … It’s called SUPPRESSION POLLING and it should be illegal.

Dr. Bob: Very interesting, Don. So there’s a dollop of paranoia and meta-fantasy at play here. Just a moment while I speak to our listeners. Folks, I’ve got Don on mute, though he doesn’t realize it. Look, we can help  Don. I suspect we are seeing some of what we saw last week with Mr. Wood. The possibilities, you’ll recall, run the gamut from plain vanilla Schizophrenia, to Schizoaffective Disorder, Schizophreniform Disorder, Brief Psychotic Disorder, Delusional Disorder, Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder, Psychotic Disorder Due to a Medical Condition, and, of course, Paraphrenia. Of course, Don may be a milk shake, a blend of all or some of these terrifying disorders, plus some way off the beaten track. We don’t know yet. But folks remember this:  it isn’t over for Don. We can talk him down, bring him closer to a shared reality that way, or, if warranted, we can get him on a table and attack the problem with a router drill. Drill Master has made marvelous advances with bit designs since 9/11. I’m not sure which way we go yet.

Dr. Bob: How big is this problem you’re seeing, Don?

Don: The 2020 Presidential Election was, by far, the greatest Election Fraud in the history. Had Mike Pence had the courage to send the Electoral College vote back to the states for recertification, and had Mitch McConnell fought for us instead of being the weak and pathetic leader he is, we would right now have a Republican President who would be VETOING the horrific Socialistic Bills that are rapidly going through Congress, including Open Borders, High Taxes, Massive Regulations, and so much else!

Dr. Bob: Oh. I see hints of, I won’t say homicidal ideation, but mental upset, Don, mental upset that’s not doing you any good. Now revenge, detailed plans for revenge, are definitely a key element in pushing homocidal impulses. I can see why you took the big step of calling in. But, Don, I think there’s so much to talk about, I think you’re going to have to come back next week. Perhaps our listeners will give your health and well-being some hard thought and weigh in. The lines are open,  — May 16, 2021