CSI: American Carnage Presents QTips
QTips, the morning newsletter of the Truth
Morning QSters! Today brings the inaugural edition of our newsletter, all scrubbed, sanitized, and Freed. Clean and Free – that’s what you’ll find with QTips. All contamination by the Fake News, the so-called press, the serial liars and broadcasters, and everybody else has been eliminated. What you see here is the Real Deal. The Baseline for the Base.
We’ll begin with a major QTip: Stay away from these alleged vaccines for the fake disease. President Trump, the universally beloved Former President who is not Former as we all know, says that there are numerous reports of spontaneous abortions induced by the injections. Our President has heard of many women with womanly parts going very bad within 15 minutes of taking the needle. Not only that, if you are around vaccinated Others, they will exert a powerful inter-uterine pulse, the President says, that will pull and slosh the womanly parts like an omlette with the broken eggs. Our field doctors say that if you feel the pulse, immediately leave the area! We have also received reports of abduction and subsequent “vaccination.” If this has happened to you, report it to your block captain at the earliest possible time. Chip removal is a simple procedure, but the poisonous emanations produced by the liquid chip developed by the Devil Gates are not to be fooled with. Patriots! Do not let them control you! Do not let them feed off your liquified protein! Remember the children!
Qs In the News! Dan Andrews, who pushes his socialistic agenda Down Under, owns shares in cloud firm Fastly and arranged for the internet outage of 6/8 to cover up the deletion of online records that prove he funded gain of function research in Wuhan. It is a Fake News rumor that Andrews was nearly killed in March by a QAnon super soldier assassin. We are better than that, right QSters?
Questions. Where is the great Biden really going? Answer: Nowhere! Our sources say that the Pretender will not be headed for any summit in Europe or anywhere else. Could it be that he is afraid that the 45th President of the United States might emerge in the Oval? Is this part of 45’s Plan? We think so! Keep an eye on who is actually walking and stumbling across the White House lawn. It’s not the Pretender!
This day in Alternative History. The Fake writer George Orwell published 1984, a piece of virulent propaganda that will be destroyed. This Orwell plagiarized virtually the entire story from Red China. No talent! No wonder the Others love him!
Where are they now? They are everywhere!