Everyone loved my phone call.

Everyone loved my phone call.

The presidential performance, Dalton Georgia, Jan. 4, 2021 (Excepts):

As you know, there’s nothing the radical Democrats will not do to get power that they so desperately crave, even the outright stealing of elections like they’re trying to do with us. We’re not going to let it happen. Over the past, and I hope Mike Pence comes through for us. I have to tell you: I hope, that our great vice president, our great vice president, comes through, for us, he’s a great guy. Of course, if he doesn’t come through, I won’t like him quite as much….

In many instances, constituents reported that their earlier in-person ballots may not have been correctly processed or tabulated. Mayacopa County officials, members of the legislature, have conducted two public hearings in recent weeks, during which significant evidence of fraudulent and illegal voting in Arizona has been demonstrated through expert and eyewitness testimony, for example, in Pima County and Mayaicopa County.

It appears that one hundred and forty-three thousand illegal votes were actually injected into the ballot system. Think of that, No, But think of this. Also — and you know — the press won’t report this, and probably turn it off — oh we don’t like this — they don’t like this. They don’t want to talk about numbers, they talked about my phone call, they don’t like my phone call.

Everyone loved my phone call.

They don’t like talking about numbers, because nobody knew the numbers were so egregious. Also, an expert mathematician concluded that the only explanation for the actual voting results in Arizona is that one hundred percent, think of this, one hundred and thirty percent of Democrats voted for candidate Biden and a negative 30 percent voted for President Trump.

Think of that, in order to get to the numbers one hundred and thirty percent of the voters, that’s a little tough to get, OK, had to vote for him and minus 30 had to vote for me, and that gets you to 100 percent, and nobody has 100 percent voting. For all of these people who think it’s too late, does that mean that we’re forced to approve a fraudulent election or an election with massive irregularities?

I don’t think so. I don’t think so. …

We won everything and we won it now a second time, hate to bore you with that expression, but we won it now a second time and I don’t want to win it a third time. I really want to win it the second time. So somebody came up to me today, Kelly, and they said, Sir, you’re way up in four years. Nobody can come close to me.

I said, I’m not interested in four years, I’m interested in like eight weeks ago for you. Four years is a long time. It’s actually two and two, You know we’ll take back the House for Kevin and Marjorie Jodi. We’ll bring back the house, right, we’ll bring back the House.

CROWD: Four more years. Four more years. Four more years. Four more years.

TRUMP: No if we didn’t win, I’d be all upset, of course. If I didn’t win, you probably wouldn’t want me. Big difference between losing and winning and having it stolen. No, but they talk about, Four years, sir, you have it made, nobody can come close. I say, No we’re going to. go this way first and I think we’re really going to do it. I really believe, because there’s no way we could have won every single state, and for Fox not one state. This is one of many. We win every state and they’re going to have this guy be president? And he can’t speak. He can’t talk.

Already. we’ve achieved more than anyone thought possible and we are just getting started and honestly, it’s you. It’s amazing what happened. I don’t even know why the hell I say, Let’s have a rally.

We have a rally and thousands and thousands of you. Honestly there’s never been, I’ll go out on the extreme — there’s never been anything like this in the history of our country and the election is over, the presidential election, and we have a big one tomorrow, but there’s never been anything like this in the history of our country. — Jan. 5, 2021

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